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*notes: Here's the fun level...the level that the characters have been looking for! This is the level where all the classified work is done, and it's in 100% operating condition. Hopefully it wasn't an easy trek to get here, but once the characters get in (either through the mecha tunnel or the regular hall off the CCC) you should give them free reign. Very few people knew of the existance of the R&D section, let alone what went on here. In any case, the characters will be able to find just about anything they want with enough searching, even items that they didn't even know existed! Just don't get carried away, and be sure to point out the existance of twin laser turrets that line the halls & rooms of this level. As always, dotted lines indicate doors.
1. Mecha testing area. HUGE arena. 300 ft. ceilings, 1/2 mile square. Laser & explosion resistent walls. Launch tunnel exits of the west side.
2. Weapon storage room: Large storage for normal & mech sized weapons. Missles, big guns, energy weapons & experimental weapons are found here. Mech sized ceilings.
3. Main mech tunnel.
4-6. Protoculture labs: Unknown & unidentifiable experiments can be found here.
7. Library: Tech library containing books & software for anything related to military/technology/protoculture.
8. Mechanical/biomechanical lab: Researching new technologies in mechanical & biomechanics.
9. Researcher office: Used by all researchers at the facility. Contains 4 computer terminals.
10. Small hallway.
11. Secret weapon center: Contains vwc pods, 1 strike VT without VWC pods, 5 suits micronian power armor, 1 agressor VTOL, 1 guardian VTOL, 2 Gladuis destroids, 1 Defender Ddestroid, 1 MAC mini-monster, 2 Tornado combat bikes, 2 LRV-588 Veritech "Cars" and 2 VF-1X Veritech fighters