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*notes: Completely empty, except for an extremely life-like mock up of a Strike Veritech in the far corner of the main complex. Coordinator's booth & offices are in rough shape. Laser blast marks can be seen on the main mecha door to the mech tunnel, but the door is still intact. As always, dottted lines indicate doors.

1. Main hanger: Large 80 ft. ceilings can hold 80 battloid veritechs & similar mecha.

2. Aux hanger: Used in cases of high activity. Usually empty Can hold an additional 40 veritechs.

3. Aux storage: Mech sized storage room. Contains a very realistic looking mock-up of a battloid strike veritech. This is only a mock-up and is in fact hollow.

4. Mecha tunnel.

5. Offices/coordinator controls: Main control room; coordinates mecha movement & operates level defense systems (which are functional provided power is activated)

6. Terminals: Ground based terminals; assists in mecha coordination.

7. Elevator