I received the following pics from Lawrence Aguilar. He's a very talented modeler as can be seen from his pics!

These two pics are of the Bandai 1/100 transforming VF-1S Strike Valk, identifiable by the laser cannon in place of the second missile pod/booster. Lawrence has opted for a red and black trim scheme on this kit which is obviously well done.

These two pics are of Bandai's 1/72 scale transforming VF-1S Veritech, once again done very well in red and black trim. "Now wait a minute" you say..."Bandai never made a transforming VF-1S Super Veritech in 1/72 scale!" That's right. Lawrence actually used TWO kits to complete this masterpiece, the standard 1/72 transforming VF-1S kit and Bandai's non-transforming Super VF-1J Max kit. He's still working on this project and will send more pics in battloid & guardian modes when he's done. Can't wait to see 'em!

Here's Bandai's 1/8000 scale SDF-1. Damn he does good work, doesn't he?

There's much more to come from Lawrence, so check back often!

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