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John R. Schneider

Basic Info:

Birthdate: April 8, 1960
Height: 6'3
Born: Mount Kisco, New York (moved to Atlanta at age 14)

As a child, he fell in love with preforming magic, and the hands you see doing the card trick in "Route 7-11" are actually John's. He worked in community children and dinner theatre since the age of twelve. He took many jobs in the entertainment feild including a television ad for COCA-COLA (I would love to see this ad).

The Dukes of Hazzard:

When the role for "Bo Duke" came around he flet it was perfect for him, as he was able to relate to the character in many ways. So with a little "shuck and jive" he got the role.He dressed down, and went in with a can of beer, the producers wanted someone who was "Country" so to try to the sterotypical image he put on a whole act.  When John first started on the Dukes he was 18. He told them he was 25 (Not a real lie more a miscalculation LOL! I mean he eventually would be 25 right? so there is no lie) But of course this is a good thing I mean could you imagine anyone else as BO DUKE? NO! Of course not. Only John could rock the part so well. I am sure all Duke fans are grateful for his "miscalculation." I know that I sure am :)

Assorted other roles:
*Coming soon*

John Schneider on set of carnival of thrills 1980

This here is a photo (thanks to my cousin) from the set of one of the best eposides. Orginal aired as a 2 hour movie, it is now only
showen in 2 parts (would be nice for it be showen in full though) It is the only eposide that the "boys" really fight in. I mean neither is hypnotised, has amnesia, or is drugged.

 Don't remember what year this is from but it's just cool.

 What can I say about this picture? Not much other then it  is ROCKIN' but of course it is John, so ain't that 'nough said?

Here is a pic of John from the Windsor Star TV Times. Week of July26th- August 1st, 1997.

Just a cool scruffy pic of John. Just so cool.
These are pictures from: The cover of "Eddie Macon's Run, an ad for Night of the Twisters, and from the side of the box for "Christmas Comes To Willow Creek."
Okay I'll say a little about the movies that these are from. "Eddie Macon's Run. Way  COOL! hard to describe kinda a police drama type (I'll quote the box later.) Night of the Twisters good movie and John is rockin', but he is not in this movie enough really for my tastes (of course I think he should always be MAIN character or duo main character). Christmas Comes to Willow Creek. The best Christmas movie there could ever be (unless a second one was made wouldn't that be nice) it stars both John and Tom. It is a two for one deal. They play feuding brothers, they are much the same kinda characers as on Dukes but a little more extreme in their differences. They spend most the movie fighting, which is funny in a way. Their fights are amusing.

A couple picture of John on Dr.Quinn Medicine Woman. On which he plays SHERIFF Daniel Simon. (Yes I said sheriff :) lol) I think it is funny that he is sheriff. Well he was a deputy once, oops wrong show my mistake LOL! He'll be in most the eposides so watch it (at least when he is on).


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