Basic Info:
Birthdate: April 8, 1960
Height: 6'3
Born: Mount Kisco, New York (moved to Atlanta
at age 14)
As a child, he fell in love with preforming magic, and the hands you see doing the card trick in "Route 7-11" are actually John's. He worked in community children and dinner theatre since the age of twelve. He took many jobs in the entertainment feild including a television ad for COCA-COLA (I would love to see this ad).
The Dukes of Hazzard:
When the role for "Bo Duke" came around he flet it was perfect for him, as he was able to relate to the character in many ways. So with a little "shuck and jive" he got the role.He dressed down, and went in with a can of beer, the producers wanted someone who was "Country" so to try to the sterotypical image he put on a whole act. When John first started on the Dukes he was 18. He told them he was 25 (Not a real lie more a miscalculation LOL! I mean he eventually would be 25 right? so there is no lie) But of course this is a good thing I mean could you imagine anyone else as BO DUKE? NO! Of course not. Only John could rock the part so well. I am sure all Duke fans are grateful for his "miscalculation." I know that I sure am :)
Assorted other roles:
*Coming soon*
John Schneider on set of carnival of thrills
Don't remember what year this is from but
it's just cool.
Here is a pic of John from the Windsor Star TV
Times. Week of July26th- August 1st, 1997.
A couple picture of John on Dr.Quinn Medicine
Woman. On which he plays SHERIFF Daniel Simon. (Yes I said sheriff :) lol)
I think it is funny that he is sheriff. Well he was a deputy once, oops
wrong show my mistake LOL! He'll be in most the eposides so watch it (at
least when he is on).