Sunshine: Somebody say my name?
Uh no Mr Sunshine I was commenting on the lovely day.
Sunshine: Oh carry on. (Shrugs his shoulders sighs and walks away)
Anyways, back to the story.....
Cat: (takes a deep breath) Ah smell that air Dog. It just doesn't get any better than this!
Dog: Right you are Cat! (takes a deep breath too)
Cat: Lets go to the park.
Dog: Okie dokie!
CatDog walk into the park and proceed to walk around looking for a bench to sit on. Every bench they pass has two people together. Some holding hands, some gazing into each other's eyes and some exchanging hugs and kisses. The birds are chirping together along with the light breeze as if singing nature's romance song. The more benches they pass the sadder they become, because Dog is feeling tired and wants to sit down and Cat feels more and more depressed and jeolous of the other couples there. They give up and walk towards a shady tree.
Cat collapses onto the ground and weaps: OH WHY DOG WHY???!!! (sobbing burrying his head in his hands)
Dog: I don't know, the park just seems very crowded today, besides sitting on a bench is boring. I got an idea! let's go catch that frisbee that Dunglap and that pretty girl are playing with!
Cat: Who?? (Cat looks up and notices Dunglap and a pretty girl together) OH MY DUNGLAP TOO??? (sobs so more) It's not fair Dog! It's just not!!!!
Dog: Aaah Caaat, don't cry. (placing his hand on Cat's shoulder) Dunglap is our best friend I'm sure he'll let us play frisbee too.
Cat: (sniffs) Oh Dog, it's not that, just look around us, look at Dunglap laughing and making googly eyes with that girl, and over there look at Randolph and Tahlulah having a romantic picnic together, and everyone else HERE is a here as a couple!!
Dog: (looking around confused) A couple of what??
Cat: Don't you see? We are the only two here together that are just friends!!!
Dog: Ahh but Cat, heh heh heh, we're not friends, we're brothers! heh heh heh
Cat: AARRGGHHH! (Cat screams burying his face wimpering more)
Dog looks at Cat bewildered confused and concerned for his brother's sadness.
Just then Winslow and Sadie holding hands walks by.
Winslow: Hiya CatDog! Say Cat you better stop crying your mascara is running! HEH HEH
Sadie: Oh Winsy, you are so clever! (kisses Winslow's blushing cheek)
Cat: (stops crying and gets defensive) What do YOU want ugly blue boy?!
Sadie: HEY! No one calls my Winsy ugly except me FURBALL!
Dog: (dreamy sigh) Cat, isn't that sweet?
Cat: (muttering low tone) Yeah about as sweet as vinegar! Wait a minute, I thought you guys broke up when she swiped all your stuff!
Winslow: Well, (putting arm around Sadie) it's a long lovely story.
Cat: (feeling more jeaolous and more discusted tries to stand up to leave)Oh well I'd loooove to hear the story Winsy but...
Dog: OOO yeah! I love a good story! Tell us everything! (Dog quickly plops on the ground which prevents Cat from getting up at all)
Winslow sits down and Sadie sits on his lap.
Winslow: Well it all started on my way to the cheese shop. I was looking to buy some limburger as the perfect alarm clock for your nose Cat. HEH HEH
Dog: Ooo a gift for Cat. How kind.
Cat: (mumbling in discust) Yeah kind of sick little blue rat.
Winslow: Well as I was saying....
The picture begins to get wavy and fade, as cheesy harp flashback chords are heard and Winslows voice turns into an echo and fades out till the picture clears and we see Winslow walking into the cheese shop. As he entered and browsed around he spotted a very pretty mouse with raven hair, wearing a pair of olive green pants that looked just like the kind Winslow wears, in the swiss section of the store. He thought she had excellent taste and that she really looked enticing. He walked towards her to see if he could get a glimpse of her face. The mouse turned around and it was Sadie! They both looked at each other shocked.
Winslow: (eyes wide with shock) Sadie Linkletter??
Sadie: (gasps) Winslow?? Oh, uuh HI! Uuumm.. (she was speechless and nervous)
Winslow's shocked look turned bitter and angry. He never forgot how much she, his soul mate, hurt him, for robbing and leaving.
Winslow: (shouting) Those are MY pants!! Give 'em back now! Besides they make you look like a fat boid! HEH HEH
Sadie: (shock turns to anger) Hey! Button your beak blue boy! I wore these tacky trousers cause all my REAL clothes were dirty!
Winslow: (pretends to sniff her) Peeww. You should have jumped in the washing machine with them! (holding nose)
Sadie: Oh yeah?! I think your mistaken! Have you smelled your discusting armpits lately?
Before Winslow could yell back, Rancid the cheese shop owner walked towards them screaming.
Rancid: What's going on? What, what! You rats are scaring away my customers! Either buy something and get out, or get out NOW!
Sadie: HEY! Stay out of this! Go paint some Easter eggs!
Rancid: Be quiet you free loading scuzzy mouse!
Suddenly Winslow gets angrier than ever.
Winslow: HEY! Don't talk to her like that long ears!
Sadie looked at Winslow amazed and touched that he defended her. She smiled to herself thinking how much she missed her adorable little blue boy, and deep down knew she wanted to be with him more than anything. Winslow looked at her realizing what he did, and ran out of the store feeling humiliated. Sadie kicked Rancid in the shins and ran out of the store after him.
Sadie: Winslow! Winsloooow! Wait! Stoooop!!
Winslow stopped and turned around to look at her trying desperatly to hold back his painful tears. Sadie caught up with him, and just looked at him speechless as if "Cat" stole her tongue. She shyly and nervously leaned close to him and gently kissed his cheek.
Winslow: (surprised and slightly blushing) What was that for?
Sadie: My way of saying thank you for umm standing up for me to ol' puke ears!
Winslow looked at her beautiful beady black eyes and forgot all the reasons he was mad at all. All he saw was the girl he loved, his soulmate again. Sadie noticed something was sticking out of his left pocket, and pointed to it. Winslow looked down, blushed and shyly pulled out a heart shaped dried up moldy cookie, and showed it to her smiling bashfully. This was the same cookie she had given him before she left. Sadie's eyes were glistening and tiny tears started to form as she smiled lovingly into his eyes.
Sadie: Oh Winslow, I can't believe you kept it.
Winslow: (putting the cookie up to his heart hugging it) I've treasured it always, knowing it was from you my little angel.
Winslow kissed the cookie and put it back in his pocket. They took each other's hands and embraced in a sweet kiss.
Sadie: (soft loving voice) Winslow, I've missed you so much, and I love wearing your trousers. Wearing them makes me feel like you are with me again.
Winslow: My sweet, you look like a goddess in them. You look beautiful in anything.
Sadie: Ooohh Winsyyy...
The hug each other tight and they kiss again, ears wiggling in unisom. As the sun descends, they walk together holding hands deeply in love again into the sunset.....The picture slowly fades away and gets wavy and blurry the further they walk on disappearing to lovely harp chords. The picture focuses back in to present time, with Cat and Dog both sobbing and Winslow and Sadie holding each other tight.
Dog: Ohhhh (sniff) That is just so beautiful. (blows nose on Cat's fur)
Cat: Ewwww! Dog! (sniff) Don't do that!! Winslow, Sadie (sniffing sobs) congratulations. You two truly deserve each other.
Winslow: Thanks Cat. (cuddling Sadie)
Sadie: (looks at watch)Winslow, we gotta go. The freak show starts in a half hour and I want a good heckling seat. Hey CatDog come with us, you could be the star attraction! HEH HEH
Winslow: You're so cute! (kissing Sadie) Alright let's go.
Sadie gets off Winslow's lap and helps him to his feet. They start walking away.
Sadie and Winslow: (in unisom) See ya later Catbutt! heh heh
Cat and Dog wave bye to them as thier tears settle down.
Dog: Wowie Cat, I'm so happy for them. (light sniff)
Cat: Yeah. (sad sigh) Me too.
Dog: Well at least they are happy again. It's romantic. (clasping hands together up to chin)
Cat: Yeah they are happy. (frowns at ground)
Dog: Umm Cat?
Cat: What?
Dog: Want to go play frisbee now? (panting excitedly)
Cat: No. Umm let's go home, I'm hungry aren't you?
Dog: Ooo yeah, and I've got a fresh pack of Farburg Burger Bones at home.
Cat: (sigh) And I sure could use some white fish chub pudding right now.
CatDog get up and start heading for home. Dog drools and pants thinking about dinner, and Cat walks melancholy behind starving for love, feeling defeated convinced that his heart will be alone forever....