Shipper Quotes

We the people

Mac: "We have 33 minutes, Commander." (Harm looks at watch ) Harm: "How do you do that?" Mac: "I've got great timing." Mac: "That's a very nice smile, and I'm sure most of the time it gets you what you want, but I don't know you, Commander, so if you don't mind, I'll keep my personal reasons to my self." Uncle Matt: "Where did you find this sailor, Sarah" Mac: "In a rose Garden, Uncle Matt."


Harm: "Well, I thought it was pretty funny when you ducked under the table." Mac: "I'm a Marine, Harm. Marines don't duck." Harm: "What do Marines do?" Mac: "They take cover, but they never duck." Mac: "If you have some evidence I should know about...." Harm: "You'll eventually get it, and then you can plea bargain." Mac: "In your dreams, Commander." Harm: "Oh, you don't want to be in my dreams, Major." Mac: "Red light, Commander." Harm: "Red light? There was nothing sexual in what I said, and if you think there was, then maybe I should be giving you the red light." Harm: "Where were you raised?" Mac: "Where friends don't sandbag friends." Harm: "That's somewhere in Ohio, isn't it." Mac: "Ha, cute does not work with me, Harm."

Full Engagement

Harm: “Think you can stand, Marine?” Mac: “Unless you plan to carry me.” Harm: “Well, maybe you should have laid off the Beltway burgers.” Mac: "Yeah, and you worked out more.” Mac: “I can still bitch about freezing my butt off, can't I?” Harm: “Quit your whining. You've got ten percent more body fat then I do.” Mac: “Are you calling me fat, stick boy?” Harm: “Stick boy? Women just naturally have more insulation the men.” Harm: “Come on, let's go.” Mac: “I can't, I'm sorry, I can't.” Harm: “What do you mean, you can't? You're a Marine. Come on Mac. What happened to that gung ho, semper fi, kickass jarhead I used to know? Don't let me down now, Mac. We've made it this far. Damn it. This is precisely why we shouldn't allow women in combat 'cause when it comes to the clinch you know they're going to fall apart. If you were a real Marine...” Mac: “All right, all ready. Shut up. You've made your point.”

Code Blue

Harm: "....or if you were a little faster..." Mac: "Some of us are built for speed, others for comfort." Mac: “Keeping up a pretty good pace for an old man.” Harm: “The last couple of miles are a cool down” Mac: “Oh really. How far are you going today?” Harm: “The usual, 10 miles. You?” Mac: “The usual, 15.”

Washington Holiday

Harm: "When awkwardness goes to $40 a barrel, I want the drilling rights to Bud's head." Mac: "Aw, Harm, it just takes him a little while to get warmed up." Harm: "Warmed up? Love isn't baseball, Mac." Mac: "How would you know?" Mac: "Harm, I know this is like dancing with your sister, but maybe you could pretend to like it." Harm: "Mac, I don't think of you as my sister." Mac: "You don't?" Harm: "No, I don't."

Force Recon

Harm: "You are loving this new relationship aren't you?" *GRIN* Mac: "Not as much as you are loving your new infantry career."

Game Of Go

Mac (Knocks on door) Mac: "Harm?" Harm (Opens door) Harm: "Very nice, Major.” Mac: "You too. I was always a sucker for dress whites.” Harm: “Well, you know what they say about dress whites and gold wings?” Mac: "What they say about dress whites and gold wings?” Harm: "Yeah?" Mac: "Very over rated." Harm (to himself) “We'll see.”


Harm: "Oh my goodness. The Admiral sent Sarah MacKenzie." Mac: "You nervous all ready?" Harm: "And why would I be nervous?" Mac: "Well, you know, I have beaten you before." Harm: "That doesn't count. I dropped that case." Mac: "Yeah, you keep dreaming, flyboy." Harm: "I don't give a damn about Holst, but I do give a damn about you."

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