
Red Dwarf Theme Song

The red dwarf theme from the end of the show

Clip from the opening theme song

Red Dwarf theme song in midi format

Sometimes used at the beginning of a scene or episode

Theme song in .mod format *NEW*


Lister: Smeg off

Lister: Your nickname was never Ace, maybe Ace-hole

Lister calls Santa a bastard

Lister: Smeggin stupid, two grown men on unicycles....

Lister: Where talkin mega ecstasy bliss

Lister: "The entire time we're here, we're not going to have one single argument, not a raised voice, not a cross word, not one angry exchange, OK?"


The Munchkin Song

Rimmer: the world loves a bastard

Rimmer: Oh Smeg!

Rimmer: Big smeging deal

Rimmer: Smoke me a kipper I'll be back for breakfast

Rimmer: Your a complete and total tit


Kryten: This man is not guilty of manslaughter he is only guilty of being Arnold J. Rimmer, that is his crime it is also his punishment *NEW*

Kryten:Your a complete and total smeghead

Kryten: Whenever i look at you i get an image of curry......

Kryten: he's a total dork

Kryten: I can plug a number of addons onto my groinal socket....

Kryten: I want to talk to you about my penist

Kryten: You are sick, you are sick sick person

Kryten: This is all your fault, you know you little glob of ? ?


Cat: I'm lookin nice

Cat: they call me the kid the riviera kid

Cat: Some might say Im a pretty shallow guy, but a shallow guy a with a great ass

Cat: I dont wanna be Dwayne Dibley

Cat: Do what you gotta, but dont mess up my hair


Kochanski: Fabaroo!


Holly: introduces himself ....the same IQ as 6000 PE teachers

Holly: Its a mistake any deranged halfwited computer could have made

Holly: What are you moaning about


Toast: I toast therefore I am

Toast: Howdy doodly doo


Kryten: Who's dead? Rimmer: They are dead, their all dead Kryten: My God, I was only away two minutes *NEW*

Lister: an' I wanna make love Cat: Well Junior Angler's the best you gonna get out of me buddy

Lister: Kryten will this work. Kryten: LIEMODE, of course it will work sir no worries

Now thats the kind of cash that opens anybodies legs

Kochanski: Have you ever heard of something called tough love Kryten: Does it inlvove dressing up

Rimmer: What happened to me where am I? Cat: Quarrantine! Kryten: But dont worry! Lister: Where here to entertain ya!

Cat: I know this game its called cat and mouse, and theres only one way to win, dont be the mouse Lister: What are you saying? Cat: Im saying the moue never wins, unless you believe those lyin cartoons