Beyond The Tribe - alternative and parallel stories by the fans

Before The Moon Tribe

Episode 1

  The adults were long gone. The streets which were once full of people, shopping and talking, now lay empty all except little fires dotted everywhere. 2 figures appear from a old run down shop. One dressed all in black, with bright green and orange spiked hair called CK. The other, a happy go lucky girl, wearing black knee length coat, with plum coloured hair. Her name is ZootCrazy.

As they walk onto what was the road, the sirens of the Locos are heard. A look of panic comes across their faces.
"Run!" shouts CK. They both run down the street.
"CK! Down 'ere!" shouts ZootCrazy as she starts to run down an alleyway. CK turns to run towards the alley, but it's too late. The Locos car is turning round the corner.
"HIDE!" shouts ZootCrazy, "the locos!"
From the Locos’ Police car, Zoot the leader points at CK. The car starts heading for him. CK's main instinct was to run down the alley but something told him to run back down the street and stop getting ZootCrazy in any more danger than she already was. Before CK could reach the end of the road the Locos had got him. Zoot jumped out the car and went up to CK.
"Look what we 'ave 'ere," Zoot shout victorious. "Tie 'im up with the others!!!"
As CK was being tied up, ZootCrazy watched with panic and worry.

The Locos car left with CK in tow. Zootcrazy stepped out from the alley.
"CK!!!" ZootCrazy screamed. "CK!!!" A tear rolled down her face as she looked up into the sky, now alone in the world. "I will find you CK, I will find you!!!" she said as she started walking down the street....

Episode 2

Zootcrazy walked along the streets alone. She saw an old dustbin. She ran out to it and started to kick it. "Take that you stupid locos," Zootcrazy shouted. She then started to cry as she carried on walking.
Night was drawing in and Zootcrazy needed a place to sleep. She saw what looked like an old, abandoned, burnt out house. She decided to go in and kip down in there. The house was pitch black as Zootcrazy entered. She crept quietly down what she made to be the hall. Suddenly a the old front door slammed shut.
"Oh!" shouted Zootcrazy frightenedly. "Hello! Is anyone there?"
She turned back towards the door. "Oh, i wish Ck was here now" She whispered under her breath.
A voice from what seemed to be nowhere bellowed, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"
Zootcrazy was trembling, so frightened she didn't want to move. After a few minutes she managed to mutter, "M-my n-n-name is Z-z-zoot-cr-crazy. I th-thought t-this place was em-empty. I j-just wan-wanted a p-p-place to sleep.
The voice bellowed once more, "Do not be afraid, we mean you no harm....."

Episode 3

"Don't be afraid, we mean you no harm. Go into the room on your left!" The voice bellowed.
Zootcrazy looked but it was too dark to see any door to a room. A torch flickered on and shone onto a door. Zootcrazy was to frightened to argue. She went over to the door, pushed with a lot of force just to get the door open. She cautiously entered the room. Two shadow like figures followed Zootcrazy in....

Zootcrazy was gobsmacked as she looked around the room around the room, there were candles everywhere. Suddenly Zootcrazy got a tap on her shoulder. She jumped a mile and sharpishly turned round with a look and panic on her face.
"Don't be afraid! We mean you no harm," one of the two people said. "I'm Gameface and this is my friend, Anna."

Gameface was about 6ft 10 and wore bdu trousers with a green hoodie. His hair was short and bright blue. Anna wasn't as tall as Gameface, she had shoulder length hair which was striped blonde and pink. She wore blue jeans and a pink t-shirt saying 'Hope is the key'.

"What do you want with me?" Zootcrazy asked frightenedly.
"Your friendship," answered Gameface. "Soz about scaring you, it's just I got to protect Anna."
Zootcrazy saw that Gameface was the main person and Anna liked it that way.
"Well," Zootcrazy said.
"Go on, please," Gameface pleaded. "But why are you alone? No friends?"
"I wasn't alone until earlier today, the Locos got him. But I'm gonna find a way to get him back," Zootcrazy said. "I am," answered ZootCrazy.
"Don't be," replied Anna holding out her hand in a sign of friendship. Zootcrazy shook her by the hand.....

Episode 4

While Zootcrazy settled down for the night with new found friends, Gameface and Anna, the Locos were just arriving back at the derelict waste land. Zoot stood on the car. "Yes, Zoot," Loco repiled.
Loco was 5ft 4, dressed in bright coloured shirt, t-shirt and striped trousers. He had spiked hair like Ck's but coloured blue and purple. Loco grabbed Ck by the chains he had been tied up with. Loco dragged Ck to the front of the police car.
"Kneel before Zoot," ordered Loco forcing Ck to his knees.
"Who are you???" shouted Zoot to Ck.
"Ck," replied Ck without sounding frightened.
Zoot stepped down onto the floor. He gave Ck a look of power and glory. "Chain him up in one of the old trains," ordered Zoot to Loco. Then Zoot looked at Ebony and then looked back at CK. Zoot noticed that Ebony was taking a interest in CK.
"Hold it," bellowed Zoot. "Before you get chained up CK, say 'I worship Zoot'. POWER AND CHAOS!!!"
CK gave no answer.
"Say it," Zoot demanded.
Ck still gave no answer. Zoot went up to Ck and kicked him across the head, knocking Ck from a kneeling position to lying on the floor.
"SAY IT," ordered Zoot.
Ck remained silent. Zoot kicked Ck again cutting his forehead and went to kick him again.
"ZOOT!!! Leave him," shouted Ebony before the third kick. Zoot looked at Ebony with a look of deep anger....

Episode 5

Zoot looked at Ebony. "What did you say?" Zoot shouted.
"I said leave him," Ebony said as she got out of the car looking slightly panicked. "I mean, it just wouldn't be fair on the other Locos. They should have some fun."
"Right," Zoot said to Ebony disbelievingly. "Loco, take the quiet boy away and if he struggles hit him."
"Yes Zoot," Loco replied picking CK up from the floor.
"Ebony, come with me," Zoot demanded as he walked off followed by Ebony.
Loco and CK went off to a train carriage that was on its side. "You enjoy this, don't you? All this power and chaos," CK said to Loco.
"Just shut up and get in!" Loco shouted as the entered the carriage.
Loco pushed CK to a corner where there was a pole and tied CK up. "Now what?" CK asked.
"Now you stay here here and shut up," Loco answered. "I might be back later, but then again i might not..." Loco left the carriage.
A few hours passed and CK heard a noise in the pitch black carriage. A torch flickered on and it was shone onto CK. "I want some answers," said a voice.

Episode 6

CK tried to look who the figure was but the torchlight was too bright. "First, why are you here?"
Ck answered "Zoot took me prisoner. Who-"
"You're gonna ruin everything. You have to go-"
"I don't know, just go."

Outside, Loco was walking up to the carriage. "Loco," shouted Zoot "what do you think you are doing?"
"Giving the prisoner some leftover food," Loco replied. Loco turned the carriage handle...

"I've heard what Zoot is-" the figure stopped speaking and had noticed the handle moving. "I've gotta go." The figure moved across the room. CK saw a glimpse of the figure. "Ebony, is that you?" CK asked.
"Shhh. Don't tell anyone I was here. They don't know about our old friendship," repiled Ebony.
They both looked at each other before Ebony left the carriage as Loco entered...

Episode 7

While CK was being fed, Zootcrazy was sitting outside the old house. Gameface appeared from what was the door. "Are you ok?" Gameface asked.
"I'm fine thanx," replied Zootcrazy. "Just worried about CK."
"He'll be fine," Gameface reassured Zootcrazy.
"I don't mean it like that," Zootcrazy said. "Him and Ebony were good friends before she meet Zoot."
Anna came out and sat down, "Morning all."
"How about we try and find CK and real adventure?" said Gameface.
"Are you sure???" asked Zootcrazy. "I can look on my own."
"I want to help. Anna what about you???" asked Gameface.
"Fine by me," Anna agreed.
They started getting ready. "Only take some food, we'll be back by tonight," Gameface said.
Zootcrazy was the first ready and was waiting outside the house but inside the house Anna was looking round. "You don't have to come," said Gameface. Anna took one look at Gameface and saw how happy he was and said "I want to."
Gameface and Anna went outside to Zootcrazy and they left....

Episode 8

“The waste lands is where he’ll most likely be,” said Gameface to the other. They walked cautiously down the empty streets always looking behind them to make sure they were safe.
”Wait a minute, what happens if we do find CK,” said Zootcrazy worryingly, “We can’t just walk in and take him back, they want a fight and we just ain’t strong enough to fight the locos.”
”We’ll see when we get there, there has to be a way”, said Anna.

”Bring the prisoner out here,” Zoot shouted. Loco went to the carriage and entered bring out Ck out forcing him to walk. When they got to the police car Ck was forced to his knees.
”Here's the prisoner Zoot,” Loco said.
Zoot left the car and went towards CK. ”We’ll try again today Ck,” Zoot shouted at Ck. “ Say 'I worship Zoot, power and chaos'”. Ck once again stayed silent. Zoot forced Ck to his feet and punched him. “Say it, Ck”. There was still no answer. “Loco have your fun,” Zoot said as he went back it to the police car.
Loco looked at Ck and said, ”Boy, get him”. A group of locos crowded Ck and they started kicking and punching him. Ck retaliated at first before lying powerless.

. Zootcrazy and the others arrived at the wastelands to see the crowd around Ck. ”You don’t think they are beating up Ck, do you?” asked Anna.
”It looks like him,” replied Zootcrazy. “ hy are they doing that to Ck?”

Episode 9

Ebony was looking around the wastelands trying not to look at what was happening to Ck. The out of the corner of her eye she saw three figures, which were Zootcrazy, Gameface and Anna.
“Look!” shouted Ebony “over there, other people!”
“Leave him,” Zoot shouted, “Get them!” Zoot and the other Locos started to run towards Zootcrazy.
. ”They’ve seen us!” shouted Gameface. Anna panicked and froze. “Run!" Zoot crazy and Gameface ran about 100meters before Gameface realised that Anna wasn’t running. He stopped and started to run back.
”Gameface”, shouted Zootcrazy.
”I gotta save Anna,” shouted Gameface, “you wait up ahead”

. Ck was lying on the floor motionless, when ebony said “Ck, go”.
CK staggered to his feet and said “Come with us. Leave the Locos.”
”NO” Ebony stated,” I’m gotta stay with Zoot."
”Well bye then” Said Ck. Ck looked at Ebony before he ran as fast as he could away from the wastelands.

Episode 10

Gameface was running back and noticed that Anna had gone stiff with fright. ”Anna come on they nearly here” shouted Gameface.
”I’m sorry,” said Anna as the Loco reached them. “Hi boys you took your time.” She walked through the Locos and waited behind them.
”wha?” said Gameface “This was a trap. You were waitin’ for the right moment.”
”Bring him to my car in 5 mins Loco. Until then you can have some fun,” said Zoot as he started walking back to the car.
”You see I knew that we would get caught by the Locos on this trip, so during the night when you were asleep I came to see Zoot and arranged everything,” Anna said to Gameface. “Now I’ll go and get Zootcrazy.” She walked away leaving Gameface with Loco.
”Anna, how could you?” Gameface said with disappointment.
”So what shall we do boys” asked Loco.
”Nothin’” said Gameface as he started to try and run.
”I wouldn’t do that” shouted Loco. Loco reached into his pocket and got out a penknife. Gameface saw the knife and stood still with his back towards Loco. “Turn around slowly”
”No” said Gameface as he struggled. Loco went towards Gameface. Gameface struggled once more and Loco put the knife around his neck. Gameface suddenly stopped. The knife was then moved from Gameface’s neck as Loco looked him in the eye. Gameface then struggled and started to run once more and Loco ran up to Gameface. Gameface punched Loco; Loco took 2 steps back and then went for Gameface. Suddenly Gameface went to his knees gasping for air before falling to the floor. Loco then saw the knife in Gameface’s back before running back with the other Locos, leaving Gameface to die…

Series 2
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Last updated 03/02/00 © 1999