Please note: if you wish to use any of these pictures on your site, please email me first. You may have to ask permission from another site where they originated, so don't just take them.
If you use anything from this site, give a linking credit back to the front page. Thank you.
Before They Were in The Tribe Photoalbum
The Tribe title screen as featured on the Channel 5 hour long weekday repeats (but can you identify everyone in the picture?)
By popular demand, some of The Tribe in the real world - Michael Wesley-Smith, Caleb Ross, Michelle Ang, Dwayne Cameron and Ryan Runciman (Jack, Lex, Tai San, Bray and Ryan)
Dwayne Cameron, Caleb Ross and Meryl Cassie who came over to the UK for publicity (Bray, Lex and Ebony)
Lex (Caleb Ross) aged and renewed
Merry Lexmas!
Lex (Caleb Ross) and Amber (Beth Allen) sample Adam's Ale
Lex and Zandra (Caleb Ross and Amy Morrison) tie the knot
Bray (Dwayne Cameron) tries a different kind of warpaint
Dwayne Cameron (Bray) taking a break on set
Beth Allen (Amber) and Dwayne Cameron (Bray) enjoy a cuddle between takes
Zachary Best (Paul) - what happened to him?
Some pictures courtesy of Gummidge's Aussie and Kiwi Young Actors, Tara's Caleb Ross Page, The Xena Episode Photo Gallery, The Unofficial Legend of William Tell site, The Unofficial Shortland Street site, TribeWorld and Dwayne Cameron's mum.
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Last updated 19/04/00© 1999