We have assembled a team of unique individuals to protect Earth and our allies, courageous pioneers committed to the highest ideals of justice and dedicated to preserving law and order across the new frontier.
These are the adventures of the Galaxy Rangers.
Created and Produced by Robert Mandell
These pages are the result of both my own archival storage of a lot of RPG related information and my hunt on the 'net for further details on this dynamic TV series.
Background on the Series |
My extrapolated timeline | My extrapolated tour of the Galaxy |
Technology |
The Ships The Cybersteeds |
The Series 5 Implant |
The Rangers Team |
Captain Zachery Foxx Walter 'Doc' Hartford |
Niko Dal'Ariel Shane Gooseman |
Supertroopers |
Overview Darkstar & Stingray |
Ryker Killbane The Other Supertroopers |
My Fan Fiction Archive | The Galaxy Rangers full video Archive |
Galaxy Rangers Webring home | LadyNiko's Galaxy Rangers page |
The Guild's Galaxy Rangers web page | The Guild's Other GR page |
Sasha's Galaxy Ranger grabs | Jaimme's GR page |
Mel's Place | BETA Mountain Archivs |
The Guild's wriing pages for Galaxy Rangers | |
Television Stock Exchange Go play the world's first TV based stock market simulator - with all the latst primetime TV shows listed |