Episode 11

Episode 11

Synopsis of Episode 10.....Preternaturals safe in UK Mansion. London rescues his girlfriend Janina and also rescues a white female preternatural kitten named Misti, who turns out to be Trinkle's sister. TC is still with Morgan Hunter's gang, and a ruthless businessman is planning to experiment with an STL cell.

Episode 11....Reflections.....Written by Michelle Murray & Richard Whitaker.

IG1: March 20: Neil Luxmoore was in a contemplative mood. The sun had just gone down, and his wife Taryn was dozing in the double-bed they shared in the residential quarters after they had made passionate love, not for the first time that day. Neil was alone in his office bathed in the afterglow of sunset. Enjoying the golden light, he decided not to turn on the overhead fluorescents, but sat alone in the fading lume, thinking back to earlier days.

His career had been a meteoric success, at least by normal prison warder standards. From Junior Officer at the age of twenty-one, through the ranks to a Senior Officer within five years, and then three different Commissionerships, followed by the ultimate reward of Prison Governor by the age of thirty-six. This was success indeed, and that had made him perhaps the most well known, feared and respected person in the entire prison system, constantly sought out (especially in the last two days), by politicians and the media for his opinions on all aspects of the penal system.

It had not come easily though. Certainly he had succeeded largely because he seemed to have a natural aptitude for the occupation; but he also applied himself much more than his contemporaries and worked hard on the basics of being a Prison Officer. Right from his very early days, he commanded respect from the prisoners, although at that stage he was considered to be a tough but fair officer; before an incident with a gang of particular inmates had drastically changed his attitude to all, and very much for the worse. In his first posting at Pentridge Jail, he carefully studied all Incident Reports that had been compiled oer the last ten years, much of it in his spare time when his friends were off down the pub straight after work.

He built up an in depth picture of the local prison life, who the inside leaders were, who were the troublemakers, who could be trusted and who could not. As far as searching a cell or searching a prisoner, he was second to none and could always detect the tiniest drug stash no matter how carefully it was hidden, and this was without the luxury of the sniffer dogs used nowadays. One time, Luxmoore even detected a cap of heroin one prisoner had hidden between the plate of his false teeth and the roof of his mouth; his suspicions having been aroused by a slight change in the prisoners speech. It was this sort of attention to detail that made him a master craftsman of his trade.

He became a genius of disguise and would sometimes admit himself into the Remand Section as a new prisoner so that he could mix about the remand yard in-cognito and listen to any gossip travelling around the yard. This was a highly dangerous and officially forbidden practice, but in several cases it paid handsome dividends; with an escape attempt foiled because of intelligence he had gained diguised as an inmate.

Events were to take a drastic turn for the worse for Neil, however. He was on duty in the Remand Yard on that fateful afternoon when he found himeslf surrounded by a gang of inmates, all murderous and armed with crude weapons of one sort or another. Although the twenty-four year old officer was terrified, he succeeded in his effort not to reveal his fear as he turned to see the prisoners surrounding him. It was then that one struck him on shoulder-blade. Neil collapsed and they set upon him with untold ferocity. When they had ceased he lie in the remand yard, his head bloodied and all the fingers of both hands had been crushed. Among the injuries Prison Officer Neil Luxmoore had acquired were a fractured skull, broken limbs and ribs and a ruptured spleen. Not only had those Pentridge Prisoners injured Neil physically, they had also corrupted his mind; thus his ruthless attitude to all inmates now. He was so deep in thought he didn't notice Taryn enter the office and kneel beside him, Felix and TrinkleII in tow.

DARWIN AUSTRALIA 14:00: Lane Hunter's childhood home brought back very pleasant memories for him; he had spent time reminiscing over old time at exactly the same time his immediate subordinate Neil Luxmoore pondered his on IG1. Lane's sister Camille had never left the large farm, five-hundred acres in total, that she and her older brother of three years had been reared, two hours south-east of Darwin. The large house was somehow silent owing to most of the Hunter siblings childhood friends also growing up, moving away and leading their lives. Only two other figures from their childhood remained; Patty, a happy-go-lucky Aboriginal lady who was the Hunter's housekeeper, cook and chief bottle washer. She was well into her seventies and still as sprite as ever, being kept active by two grandchildren and three great-grandchildren of her own; and Doc, the stationhand; a reserved but kind fellow who like Patty was advancing in years. When Lane and James Thornton arrived, Patty had near knocked him off his feet with an almost claustrophic embrace and a wet kiss on his cheek. Camille's greeting had been no less warm, but more sedate, with a sisterly peck on Lane's other cheek, which fortunately was dry.

Rita Connors needs were given priority by Lane who arranged her accommodation with Sarah West, an old friend of Rita's from Wentworth Detention Centre. Sarah and Rita were overjoyed at their reunion, and there was the added advantage that the Hunter and West properties were in close proximity. (as far as Outback standards go) The only sore point, (and this was a very sore point indeed), was James Thornton's strong objections to Rita Connor's company. So Lane Hunter, partly to please his partner, and because he was aware that Rita and Sarah were close, arranged separate accommodation.

WEST PROPERTY: Rita and Sarah West sat on the verandah of Sarah's property, left to her by her father in his will. Sarah's father died in ninety-one; but Sarah had spent some very happy years with him. Rita told her the news about Alice's marraige to Harry and wondered how they were getting along; Sarah in turn warned Rita of the current events unfolding. They watched military trucks speed past every few minutes. Sarah went inside and returned moments later carrying a high-powered telescopic rifle.
Rita: "Geez, what's that for?"
Sarah: "Any of those bastards who try and take this place!" She was referring to the army of course.

Similar warnings were aired at the Hunter place, not far from the neighbouring Wests. Camille, a tall elegant lady with short grey hair found herself reluctant to venture outside the property unless absolutely necessary. Lane was feeling tired so he went to his bedroom and disrobed. Moments later James appeared in the doorway and approached him. Lane was naked from the waist up and in the process of taking off his trouserrs, the belt hanging loosely. Taking Lane Hunter in his arms, James Thornton brushed his lips lightly on Lane's cheek.
Lane: "No....not here"
Thornton withdrew with a wounded expression and when Lane saw it, he softened "James, Camille doesn't know about....", and left the rest of the statement unspoken. The utmost discretion was required and with Camille so close, the true nature of Lane and James's relationship must not be revealed. Hunter placed both arms on Thornton's shoulders and buried his head on Thorntons chest.
Lane: "Only for a while, OK?"
James responded by kissing his lover chastely on the cheek then withdrew at hearing Camille's approaching footsteps from down the hallway.

ENGLAND: Since the day Misti the cat arrived, she and her brother Trinkle had been inseperable. Trinkle assumed the role of big brother very very well; carrying his smaller sister up the stairs and tucking her into bed every night. When meal times came, this was somewhat of a trial for Misti who was un-accustomed with using cutlery, such as knives, forks or spoons. Trinkle and the other animals patiently trained her. For Misti was used to eating with her fingers, as she did when she kept company with the urchins in 'The Old City' At the mansion with the other animals Misti was treated far more humanely than by urchins who really hadn't known any better treatment themselves. Now, one of these urchins could be heard bellowing Misti's name.
Of course the animals were curious so they tried to locate the source of the sound. The girls and Heathrow promptly followed them to the front gate. A young boy, no more than eight years old stood forlornly, his hands around the fence. He was thin and unkempt; greasy brown hair obscuring a sallow face. Misti knew him and she instinctively extended her hand. The English weather was warmer than usual and Heathrow could feared they were in for an unsually warm summer. One of many of the mansions closed-circuit cameras homed in on the boy; the Protectorates were glimpsed on the other side. Heathrow made his way through the throng of cats, girls and dogs to the boy.
Heathrow: "'Ere now, what's this?"
Misti: "This is Sparrar Fart. I used to live with him"
Sparrar: "Yeah, me an' Misti used ta be great mates!"
Heathrow glowered at the boy "and just how did you know where Misti was?"
Sparrar visibly flinched under the man's gaze "I happened to see 'er just a moment ago. Please, Mister, can I talk to her?"
Heathrow turned to the crowd of animals around him; none seemed to be particularly upset so he decided to allow it. Of course, Trinkle, ever protective of his new sister cradled her in his arms.
Heathrow: "OK, you've got five minutes", then he addressed The Gang "I'd like all of you to come inside after the boy's times up"
The response elicited to his requests were murmurs of "Yes, Heathrow", and "uh huh", and "OK, dude" At the same time Misti introduced her new family to her urchin friend beginning with Trinkle.

Janina lie in London's arms in his bedroom. She was dressed in one of his shirts while he remained bare-chested. They had not made love since she was rescued and that suited both of them - for the moment anyway. The sounds of the animals banter carried through the open window. Janina turned to face the window. She wasn't smiling, in fact she was on the verge of tears. The shock which often accompanies severe trauma was wearing off and the memories of what had happened to her, came like a tidal-wave. Then there were the animals and how she had struck out at little Nermal one evening. She had never met to hurt him at tha fateful dinner; but as he came toward her Janina flashed back to her time on the boat. It was during this flashback she inadvertently struck the cat on the side of the face. She had struck a very young cat, whom she thought to be her enemy, but wasn't. Since that incident just two nights ago, the cats had been uneasy around her.
London opened his eyes "Yeah"
"The cats. Do you think they'll ever forgive me?"
"Course they will", he assured her planting her face with kisses. He raised himself on one elbow and regarded her "the animals know you didn't mean to hurt Nermal"
Janinia laughed, but it was a cynical laugh "Your friend Heathrow doesn't feel the same"
"Heathrow hasn't been repeatedly raped and tortured has he? The cats'll come 'round. You're getting on like a house on fire with Scooby"
Janina smiled then, the first genuine smile in quite some days. It was true she and the friendly purple (purple??!) dog developed a rapport. Of course, Heathrow was very close to the cats and disliked Janina strongly; and it was he who came quite close to thrashing her after the Nermal incident; he would have, if not for London and Hurstville intervening. Edgecliff had quite a daunting task of trying to placate a lot of crying cats and usher them upstairs. Heathrow had called her every name under the sun whilist being forcibly restrained by Hurstville. Certainly there would be no love lost between Heathrow and Janina for some considerable time yet. Janina propped herself to a sitting position.
Janina: "London, I'd like to get to know the animals"
London: "I'm sure they'd like to get to know you. Dinner tonight would be a good start!"
"Yes, it would", agreed Janina.

IG1: The subject of a honeymoon for the Luxmoore's was broached at last; and not before time, Taryn thought. Husband and wife sat together in the living area of the residential unit watching an early evening television program. A newsflash came on the screen an instant later informing the public of a devastating earthquake in the Philippines that reached an extreme magnitude of eight on the richter scale. The Luxmoore's stared dumbfounded at the carnage and the wreck of buildings, structures that was once a city. A city, which now resembled a garbage tip; completely flattened. In the prisoners compound Bea and the other women tuned in to the same newsflash. Manila was completely destroyed. Fires btoke out, looting went unchecked and corpses littered the streets. The announcer informed all that the earthquake had hit less than half an hour ago. Taryn shuddered involuntarily and buried her face againist Neil's shoulder.
Neil: "Taryn, how would you feel about visiting Northern Ireland?"
Taryn: "Northern Ireland?"
Neil: "Yes, why not?", this last statement was accompanied by a nonchalant shrug.
Taryn nestled even further into her husband's arms "I'd love to. It'd give me a chance to find Trinkle too. Just to see him one last time", she drifted off.
Neil: "You're crazy about that cat, aren't you?"
Taryn: (smiling) "Yes!"

MELBOURNE MAINLAND: Things had changed drastically for TC and his Gang of Jolly Outlaws. The ninteenth of March saw Mad Morgans Gang, (TC himself had bestowed this affectionate nickname on Morgan Hunter), holed up in Neil Traeger's residence. The initial plan was to relieve Traeger of some of his material possesions, but they hadn't counted on two things: Traeger's deadly STL's, and the sudden military curfew. The call girl that Traeger hired for a night of pleasure was badly injured by the STL. Liza and TC jumped into action, treating her wounds to the best of their ability. Her facial injuries seemed looked worse than they were, but that was of little comfort to the poor hooker. The girl whose name was Andrea persisted in cuddling TC who was trying to wipe excess blood away. Neil Traeger himself, had underestimated the power of his deadly invenion and sat, albeit with a bruised face, in his living room. He found himself powerless for the first time in his adult life, as the big bald criminal and his cohorts pilfered and helped themselves to his food supply. The Big Baldy had bashed him when the callgirls injuries were discovered. Traeger had intended to experiment with the STL on her, expecting it merely to graze her; unexpectedly the weapon had cut her face deeply causing her agonising pain. Then the raiders arrived. Nobody would have hurt him, except for the discovery of Andrea's injuries. Damn it! Why couldn't the stupid whore just stay in the room until they had taken what they had wanted and left. He would have gladly met the cost of any cosmetic surgery or necessary medical treatment due to her. However, Neil Traeger was not alone in the living room. One of Morgan's men covered him with a pump action shotgun. The mood in the Traeger residence was malevolent. Snake longed for the rich bastard to make wrong move, just so as he could blast him to Hell. Liza Goddard had had her go at Traeger was well. She would have scratched his eyes out, only she was holding TC in her other arm. TC, ever compassionare as preternatural animals are, pleaded with her to desist her furious attack and help the prostitute. TC raced into the bedroom with Liza close behind him; and that's when the small cat and the tart with a heart bonded together Several times, Liza had to pry TC from Andrea's arms. The young cat found himself against Andrea's ample bosom, hence it was difficult to apply bandanges. Female humans tended to go banana's over male preternatural cats, while female preternatural cats attached themselves to human males.

IG1: Neil Luxmoore fell into a heavy sleep within minutes of his head hitting the pillow. Taryn was busy feeding the two cats and she would stay up a while longer. Distant memories of his time in Northern Ireland preceded his sleep, and he had spent some considerable time dwelling over things past before sleeping....

In 1979, as Warder of the Year for 1978, he was made part of the exchange system between Australia and Northern Ireland, in which the top Irish Warder was sent to Australia, and Neil Luxmoore sent to Ireland, to observe and report on the methods being used to deal with the imprisonment of IRA dissidents. He was sent to Long Kesh Prison which was soon to be renamed "The Maze", and this was situated about ten miles to the west of Belfast.

The IRA men were kept in an area known as "H Block" because of the shape of the building, and it was here that Neil Luxmoore first saw "The Men on the Blankets".

These were all IRA prisoners who refused to accept that they were criminals in the normal sense, but in reality, prisoners of war, or at the very least, political prisoners. They refued to accept any of the prison rules, to the extent that they would not wear even the official prison uniform, but went around draped only in the blankets from their bed. They refused to attend toilet parade, and instead smeard the walls of their cells with excrement and urine, creating a foul stench throughout the entire H Block complex.

Relations between the Warders and the Blanket Men were totally poisonous. The warders regarded them with complete contempt and conducted an unrelenting campaign against them. This included minimal diet, rough cell searches and also the infamous "mirror searches", in which a mirror was used ti view the prisoners anal area to establish whether or not contraband was being hidden there. It was also alleged that physical beatings were frequent although this was strongly denied by the prison authorities. Neil Luxmoore never did observe such a beating although as a visitor from Australia this was hardly surprising.

The prisoners on their part, also conducted their own campaign against the warders. They spoke mainly in Gaelic, relaying messages about which were not understood by the warders. They threw their own excrement out of the cell windows into the courtyard below, and using chunks of their foam rubber mattresses, squee-geed their urine under the cell doors onto the balconies outside for the warders to step in. But by far the most potent tactic used was called "Name The Warder". Here, the names of those prison officers regarded as the most brutal or repressive to IRA men were relayed to the outisde. Also on this list were the names of the most senior prison staff, as they were automatically seen as primary enemy "targets".

It was never really found out how this was done, although it was suspected that coded Gaelic talk to visitors was used as well as flashed messages from prison shaving mirrors at the cell windows to waiting observers outside. However it was achieved, the results were dynamite. The IRA outside began a campaign of assasination of these warders, and by the time Neil Luxmoore arrived at Maze in May of 1979, ten prison officers had been killed including the Deputy Governor of the prison, Alan Miles, killed on 26 November 1978 by an IRA "hit" team.

Hours later Neil woke suddenly escaping from a terrible nightmare about the Men In Blankets. He sat bolt upright gasping for breath, and shivering despite he heat. Gradually Neil calmed himself and listened to the steady pounding of his heart. Taryn slumbered uninterrupted beside him, and he wondered just for a few moments whether Northern Ireland would be a wise choice for a honeymoon destination. When Neil Luxmoore commenced his working life, it was his saving grace. He was finally able to leave his childhood home and his violent father. His mother had died when he was very young and that left the child in the custody of an uncaring, domineering and hateful man. Luxmoore Snr used to take particular delight in strapping Neil to within an inch of his young life; one another occasion he had actally applied a red-hot poker to Neil's bare flesh as a punishment for some imagined transgression. The abuse continued until well into his teens. For the first time in his unhappy life Neil had a chance of peace when he joined Corrective Services. During his time at Pentridge he had the misfortune to work with notorious bash-artist/killer Jock Stewart. Stewart, now a cripple had terrorised two particular inmates of Wentworth, Doreen Burns and Judy Bryant. Then there was Peter, the only homosexual liaison Neil Luxmoore was involved in - Jock Stewart had murdered him - hence Stewart's mention of suspension to Vera Bennett all those years ago.. Neil resolved never to tell Taryn about his affair with the doomed inmate named Peter.

UK MANSION: Janina was nervous, very nervous as she and London prepared to go down to dinner with the other humans and the protectorates. London merely smiled reassuringly at her and squeezed her hand. The animals light banter resounded gently throughout the mansion and Janina afforded herself a smile. They all filed in, in two's and threes; Felix/Freddy M and Lisa, Trinkle and Misti, The J's and Scooby, Shang, Xu and Sassy, Nermal, Garfield, Shadow and Delilah and Sylvester and straggling behind Desiree, Reilly and Callisto. Sparrer, the urchin had long since disappeared. A few of the animals waved to London and Janina as they descended the stairs. Gingerly Janina merged in with the throng so that she strolled among the cats. The J brothers smiled widely at her, a most encouraging sign. Pure deligght showed on Janaina's face as the two cats positioned themslves either side of her. Glancing behind her, Janina spied the two Asian felines, Shang and Xu, noticing their smiles as well. The two younger brothers in the lead had already taken their seats; little Misti was reluctant to take a seat despite Trinkle's gentle encouragement. Janina took her cue after an assent from London.
Janina: (moving forward to take the young girl-cat in her arms) "Why don't you sit next to me, my darling. Everything's going to be A-OK", her voice was gentle and seemed to sooth Misti. Deftly Janina moved to a place beside Lisa, and she eased Misti onto a neighbouring seat, so Trinkle could sit the other side. Little Misti clung to Janina tearfully, evidently still frightened of the dining table which represented unknown things to her of which she could not explain. When Nermal and Garfild came past, Nermal allowed himself to be petted and kissed by Janina. The animals all smiled at her. Those smiles expressed a gratitude that words never could. A second later Heathrow was kneeling by Misti's side, his arms enveloping her.
Heathrow: "What's the matter, my pretty?"
Misti: "Scared"
Trinkle, by this time was near to tears too and Janina releasing Misti to Heathrow's embrace, held Trinkle.
Trinkle: "There's nothing to be scared of. We all love you"
Sassy: "Lighten up, Misti" Janina: "What say we eat together, you and me and we finish our meals at the same time. The others can go ahead"
Heathrow: "...and I've cooked up a storm!"
Garfield/FreddyJ/Felix/FreddyM/Scooby "We are starving!"
Desiree: "Take your time, honey, it won't bother us"
Soon every one of them was murmuring words of encouragment of one sort or another. This made Misti feel a lot better, knowing that Janina would be there to support her through this minefield of dining ettiquite. When the meal was served, quite a few of the animal's eyes lit up with joy. No sooner was the plate placed in front of them than they started eating. Garfield and Felix M. were scarfing their serving of lasange at a rate of knots. Misti came through her 'ordeal' with the help of Janina. Now, two hours later, all the residents of the mansion gathered in the living room, with full bellies and all were content. Shang and Xu took up their customary position either side of Edgceliff's lounge-chair. Janina wished to make peace with Heathrow, much for her own sake as for the sake of the animals. She followed him into the kitchen.
Janina: "Heathrow?"
Turning around he faced her, his expression darkening "What do you want?"
"You were good with Misti this evening" she approached him cautiously "you're good with all of them" Heathrow: "I have to admit, you did a pretty good job yourself with Misti and her brother tonight; but you've got a long way to go!"
Janina: "Heathrow, I didn't come in here to quarrel with you"
Heathrow marched right up to Janina, his face was barely inches away "Then why the hell did you come in here?"
Janina: "To try to make peace with you. Evidently my efforts failed!"
Heathrow smiled then, but there was a chill to the smile. In the next instant he delivered a back-handed blow to Janina's face. Janina cried out involuntarily. Stumbling she almost fell but managed to maintain her footing by grabbing the edge of the utensils cupboard.
Heathrow: "Yes, you have failed, and if you ever come near me again, I'll break your bloody back! Do you understand me?"
Janina, wide-eyed with terror nodded vigorously. She now realised the degree of dislike Heathrow had for her, and she also knew that he could hurt her very badly. Janina had no idea why Heathrow hated her, but sensed it ran deeper than the incident with little Nermal. Moments later she found herself alone in the darkened kitchen; the tears welling in her eyes, threatening to cascade down her face like floodgates open on a dam. Janina fought to compose herself and returned to the living room. No sign of Heathrow and for that she was grateful. Everyone was watching the evening news which was currently showing coverage of the massive Philippines earthquake. Garfield, FelixM, Trinkle and Sylvester were watching the TV from a very close proximity indeed. They were so close, Janina thought, they were almost on top of it. Hurstville elected himself as the monitor.
Hurstville: "Hey, you cats. Don't sit so close to the TV. You'll ruin your eyes!", this was said in a light tone.
All four cats wriggled back a few inches. Hurstville, bemused approached the TV, until he was stationed right next to it "Back a bit further, fellas.Back..baack...baaack...OK. Stop!" The four cats were giggling loudly as they were wriggling, as per Hurstville's instructions. Sassy, sitting on one of the loung lounges, besides Lisa, Scooby, Nermal and Callisto began to laugh too.
Sassy: "You guys are so cute!"
This comment made the four cats laugh harder and double up with hysterics. The humans too were amused by this light-hearted banter, but for a moment. Edgecliff's heart sank at the sight of the devastation in the small south-east Asian nation. The earthquake was only the beginning of a very long nightmare for the citizens of the Philippines.

CIACO-PHILIPPINES: The small township of Ciaco, approximately seventy kilometres north-east of Manila, felt the violence of the quake, which struck the capital at exactly 1:05pm 20 March 1998. The capital was completely destroyed; buildings were no more than charred rubble and in some instances the debris were no larger than car doors. Fires, which were fierce and extensive, broke out all over the city and it would take a very long time to recover the city's dead, many of whom were buried under tonnes of ruined buildings. The quake itself affected quite a large proportion of the country. Rural townships incluing Ciaco sustained moderate to severe levels of structure damage. The sky above the town was an oblivious blue to the sufferings of the persons on the earth. A figure, tall and imposing stood on the balcony of the only two story structure in the entire town. This man, with short black hair, narrow face, sharp features and close-set dark eyes surveyed the goings on with detachment. He was attired in black and he held a high-powered weapon aloft in his right hand. Laine Sandor's mind churned over with endless possibilities as to how he would maintain control over the citizens of this place. His handsome, but cruel face bore no expression, but inwardly he laughed. The earthquake pleased him very much and he would take this town and it's human garbage for all they were worth - and he would destroy them.

TO BE CONTINUED................................

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