This is the true story of Arcadian

Micky's Secret Child

Once upon a time, way back when Micky's second daughter Charlotte was born there was a secret that no one was told about. Charlotte had a twin sister...

Only the family and the doctors (who were quite well paid to keep their mouths shut) knew about this secret. Because of Micky's love of science and his annoyment with the media and being famous, he decided to put one of the twin girls up for adoption and keep the other. Giving one a normal life and also to see the effects a different up-bringing would have on the genetically identical twins.
So Micky looked over all the cantidates that were up to adopt his little daughter and he personally choose a family he thought would do a good job of raising his daughter in a normal home.
He ended up choosing a family from Wisconsin that for personal reasons wanted to adopt and not have another child of their own. They never were told who the original parents of their little girl was, only that they were famous and they wanted an update of how the child was growing up twice a year. They did this and raised the girl well.

This brings us up to the present day...

Child Progress Report - 1997

She is now a very big fan of the group known as The Monkees from the 60's. She even has the idea in her head that she resembles the drummer Micky Dolenz who is her favorite Monkee. Even we have noticed this resemblance. She has now picked up playing the guitar and is in a band with a few of her friends. They play guitar and sing, mostly songs from the 60's and 70's, also a few they have written themselves.
She is having a little trouble in chemistry but is staying with her work. And she is still excelling drama, writting, and music, (now plays guitar, piano and flute). She has a play coming up that she will be going to auditions for. And she insists that she needs to learn how to play the drums for the band. We're still thinking about buying her a set.
Her health has been good, no serious illnesses or problems. Just the usual cold now and again. She is now driving quite often and has joined an indoor soccer team. We have encouraged her in this and she seems to enjoy it. She is still working at the public library in town and loves it. It is one of the better tings that has happened to her lately.
She is now also starting to look at colleges. She is interested in the communications field and public relations. We will soon be taking her to campus' to explore the different directions she can take in choosing a career. We'll tell you more about this in the next progress report.

New Information

This recent picture has been aquired, take a look...

If you have information or leads relating to Micky's secret daughter please E-mail me. Thank you.

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(This is all a joke, there is really no secret child. Please don't sue me!)