Clan Stone

The Clan

Dance like there's nobody watching and love like it's never going to hurt.
Two Interlocking Hearts

Clan Stone was first known to inhabit the bluffs of the Wisconsin Highlands. Their roots coming from MN, SC, WI and elsewhere, Clan Stone is a montage of individuals. To view some click on their names.
The core members of Clan Stone are:
These pages have been updated (6/14)
Laird Gregory Scott
Lady Elizibeth
Matthew Emmerson
Adamn Stone
Benjymn Stone
Gwen Wallace
Claire Cameron
Juliana Cameron
Eryn Porter
Raven MacKenzie

~ Clan Stone Scrapbook ~
Last Updated 9/16/98

A humorous story about the formation of Clan Stone penned by our very own Benjymn Stone
Note: this story is still in progress, but its quite humorous, so read it!

What's going on in the Clan

Well, that's a very good question, in the upcoming week there will be many thing going on, the biggest being the graduation of three of our core members: Lady Elizibeth, Claire Cameron & Erin Porter. What else? Adamn, Benjymn & I(Gwen) will be attending a theatre camp at UW Whitewater. All three of us are very much looking forward to it...*grin* I went last year so I'm a veteran to it all, but let me tell you, new things happen every year. In June Stone Fox, the official band of Clan Stone, will be performing at the Relay For Life to raise money for the American Cancer Association. Other than that, life goes on and so it goes...leaving all of us behind of we don't kick it in the shins and make it slow down.
Gwen ~ 5/30/98
Three members of the Clan are now offically alumni of Evansville High School...Lady Elizibeth, Claire Cameron & Eryn Porter graduated on June 7th. There was a wonderfully fun party at Claire & Juliana's home on saturday afternoon that lasted well into the night. We also had the privilage of visiting a few other parties over the course of the weekend... Congratulations to our three ladies who have now passed into another realm, no higher, just different from the one the rest of us are residing in, and goodluck to you in the future, at college and beyond.
Gwen ~ 6/8/98
In three days I will no longer be in Hell, I will be on vaccation! *big grin* I will be treking across America to South Dakota and to Wyoming...seeing buffalo, bears, and other wilds of the west...riding some horsies, roping some cowboys...*naughty grin* Who knows! I will be leaving June 19th and arriving back home in Hell sometime on the 4th of July, just in time to go see the Rhythm & Booms Fireworks Show in Madison the next day. So now I will bid you all ado, have a wonderful two weeks while I'm gone and I want to know about everything when I get back. And watch out, I may be calling and checking up on you all, making sure you're it least being good at it...
Gwen ~ 6/16/98
Yes, I am back from the wilds of Wyoming and I have been for quite sometime. It was wonderful and beautiful and the experience was more than anything I can express in words. I was in Yellowstone for almost a week, I visited the Grand Tetons and Badlands National Park also... I saw buffalo, elk, chipmunks, ravens, swans, pelicans, deer, bear, wolves, and moose. The wildlife was everywhere! We also had time to stop by Mt. Rushmore National Monument and Crazy Horse Nation Monument, both located in South Dakota and both monuments dedicated to some of America's greatest leaders...irony? I beleive so... All in all, I had a wonderful time and will remember it always and I WILL be going back...oh yeah baby, I'll be back to Yellowstone, you just wait and see.
Gwen ~ 7/22/98
And yet again I return from a trip...this time I attended theatre camp on the UW Whitewater campus. This was my second year at the camp and I must say that I had more fun this year (no offence to my roomate of last year, Lady Elizibeth). I met up with a bunch of my 2 year friends from the previous year and met many new friends. I must say I had a great time. If you have time go take a look at a few pictures. I became much closer to some of my good friends, learned lots of new stuff and even fell in love (and yes, you can see a picture of him up on the camp page). I must say Happy Birthday to our wonderful teacher/mentor/friend Matt - July 30th - don't you just love silly string!? And a big thanks to James, Matt, Adam & Tiffany for letting me play improv. games with them thursday night! I had such a great time. Over all, it was a very positive experience and I hope to go back next year, it's very iffy, but I want to! Please let me? Well, only time will tell what is in store for me and theatre. Time and Mr. Peter Diedrich...*hint, hint*... Well, until the next installment.
Gwen ~ 8/7/98
Ack! School has started...yet again. But this time, it's the last time I'll be entering the high school for a year of hell. Yes, I am finally in my last year. Then I'll be going off into the wilds of college life...and as of yet, I have no idea where that's going to be. But I will go somewhere...become something. I don't have too much to write for now, just that I am still in love, and it has been a month. It's a very wonderful feeling and I'm loving it. Distance is no problem. And as a great man once said,
"All you need is love."
Gwen ~ 8/26/98
Hello again my dear clan followers. It is now the new year, yes we have finally reached 1999! I personally rung in the New Year with a kiss, *nictate, nictate*, and a party. It was quite fun. I am currently halfway done with my senior year and feeling around for what college I want to attend. Ted and I have been together for over 4 1/2 months...and yes, I still love him. The clan is all doing well, Eryn is in Iowa, Elizibeth and Claire are at Carroll College. Gregory Scott is still in the southern lands of South Carolina with schooling. And Benjymn, Adamn, Juliana, Matthew, Raven and I(Gwen) are located in highlands of Hell(Evansville). We are doing out things and life is going along at it's pace. Musical is quickly approaching, so is a trip to NY for some of us and the end of the year. The rest of 1999 will hold many new things for all of us. I send a good luck to everyone out there. May your lives follow in the foorsteps of your dreams, for they will never mislead you.
Gwen ~ 1/15/99
Well, well, well...yet more days have past... It is less than 2 weeks till I depart for NY. Let's see, intersting or current news...I'm still with Ted, gotta love that boy...I'm going to see Rent in 2 days with Ted and Kiira and Lisa (they rock), I will be graduating in June, I will be attending college in the fall at UW Stevens Point as a communications major...ack, that's about it...oh, prom and State 4n6 is coming up, that should be pretty fun. I had a bad day today, but oh well, life sucks sometimes, you gotta deal with it. E-ville won the conference title in 4n6 for the fourth year in a row, Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah auh! The tradition lives on. I got the part of Golde in the schools production of Fiddler on the Roof. I think everyone in the clan that is still in Hell is somehow involved, yes, I believe they are. So that about concludes my update, my you follow the stars, but watch out for low branches.
Gwen ~ 3/10/99

Some more interesting pictures of Clan Stone

More about Clan Stone - Learn more about Clan Stone at the site mantained by Benjymn Stone.

~*Stone Fox*~ - read about the official band of Clan Stone.

Feel Free to E-mail Clan Stone

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Page maintained by ~Arcadian~
Comments or suggestions are welcome - last update on 3/10/99