Week Five
Ask Hook-Nose

Advice-Giver Extrordinaire


Dear Hook-Nose,
I have a problem. Recently I discovered that I was born in the wrong era.
I should have been born in the 1940's! Now I'm stuck here, having missed the 60's and I'm so misplaced!
If that's not bad enough, my true soulmate and I are separated by a very pronounced age gap.
What can I do?
Love always,
E. Sonkooh


Dear E. Sonkooh
The only remedy I see for your heartache and hurting is this...
You must go to Scotland and to the standing stones on nearby Craigh na Dun, near Inverness. In the early morning mist you must stand about the stones and touch them. Through the magic of the stones you will be transported to the time you were meant to live in. You will still be in Scotland, but you will be in the "right" time.
Goodluck to you.

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