Week Four
Ask Hook-Nose

Advice-Giver Extrordinaire


Heehee! Hey, hook type person. You look pretty groovy, so I thought I'd drop you a line.
GUYS SUCK and there is no point in liking them. Except of course Mickypetermikedavy.
But no one around/available NOW is worth all the time and energy and tears,
so what's the point?? Is there a point anymore to all that?!
Confused In Tapioca Tundra


Dear Confused In Tapioca Tundra...
First of all, the location of where you live is probably a big factor as you said. If you can't find someone near to where you live, then you have to seach! That's all there is too it. Or take up the idea of "Heck with guys and let them come to me!" But I'm warning you, that doesn't always work. But you'll find that special someone soon, just you wait. Some people have to wait till they're in their late teens to even find someone for the first time! Just don't spend as much time looking for guys, spend that time making yourself the person YOU want to be, not what you think guys like. Hten when guys like you, they'll like you for the same reasons you like yourself. Arky tells me you're pretty, intelligent and a funny girl, so you just wait and they'll be there soon enough, and if they aren't...then f*ck 'em!

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