Week Six
Ask Hook-Nose

Advice-Giver Extrordinaire


Dear Hook-Nose,
I need some advice. There's a person I know who is really nice, but I don't know if...
...uh...it is a he or a she. How do I ask without hurting shim's feelings?
Ambidextrous in Geneva


To Ambridextrious in Geneva
Now, this situation must be handled very delicately.
You must do things in a very low-tones way, a way that will not be detectable to the human or even the semi-human eye.
First, you must just try to figure it out without going to them covertly. You must watch them, see which bathroom they go in, which way there shirt buttons up (it's different for guys and girls shirts). If that doesn't work, as them(I'm assuming you're in school) if they're going to the upcoming dance and who they're going to ask, who they're interested in asking or, if all else fails, who they'd ask if they were forced to ask someone. Now, if these tactics fail, then you're pretty much screwed, because if you come right out and ask them, "What the hell are you?" they're going to be a bit upset. So try these few suggestions and if they don't work try back and we'll try a few more.



"Ya' know it baby!"

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