Week Twelve
Ask Hook-Nose

Advice-Giver Extrordinaire


Dear hook nose Let me first tell you that I am your #1 fan!! But I do have this ...problem.
I am in love with .... A computer icon. I won't disclose his name, we'll just call him nook hose.
I also know that Nook-Hose has a significant-icon of his own.
I think I could make him much happier than that one dimensional being. How do I tell him?

Sincerely, Infatuated Fat


This problem is a serious one indeed...
As you describe the situation it seems the one you are in love with is happy with his current love.
It would be wrong of you to cause tension between this happy couple.
I believe you must force these feelings for this "icon" down into your heart and supress them.
This way, if you ever have to attend a therapy session in later life you'll have something to talk about!

~;) + :c) = LOVE

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