Week Two
Ask Hook-Nose

Advice-Giver Extrordinaire


Dear Hook-nose,
I have a problem. It started almost a month ago when I had to
listen to Elvis songs at work hour upon hour. I started seeing him -- his ghost, I mean.
Every morning I wake up and go into the bathroom
and there he is, shaking his hips and yodeling and staring at himself in the mirror.
I don't know why he haunts my bathroom, but it's starting to really bother me.
How do I get that stupid spook out of my house?
Sincerely, Spooked in Pleasant Valley


As we all know that Elvis had some major jealousy issues with both James Dean and the Beatles. He tried to BE James Dean...and he tried to sabotage the Beatles... So, you put up pictures of them in the bathroom, and listen to Beatles music every morning. Anything opposite of Elvis. If this method doesn't work, then order a seven course meal from your nearest resturant and send it to the person you hate the most...attach a note saying... "Eat Up Elvis". This may confuse the reciever, but Elvis will get the drift. He'll go to that food like a hound dog to a bone!


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