Hey, Hey they're the..

And as they say, they do "monkee" around. Just check out some of the boy's pages and check out what they're all about!


*Monkees Webring

* The Monkees Home Page - Great place to find anything and everything about The Monkees!

*Nez's Online Video Ranch - This is the place if you want to order anything Nez has done.

*Our Concert Experience - Read about our experience at the Monkees concert we attended in August of "97...it's outta' sight!

*Read about Micky's Big Secret! Shhhhhhh!

*Fan's links - a list of fans links that I like to visit...

If you're not on the list, which you probably won't be, (it's still small) email me and I'll visit and link up!

Come see a picture I drew of Micky - It took me about four hours total...oh, and sorry about the fuzziness, my scanner is being rude lately!

*Planting Seeds Records is releasing a Lo-Fi compilation featuring some of Americas newest underground bands...its simply called: "It's A Monkees Party!" A Tribute to the 1960's most misunderstood band, The Monkees! Who else? The band I am part of, Stone Fox, will have songs on this compilation. To find more information go to the Monkees Party or send an email! astropop20@aol.com

My Monkees Story

Once upon a time, in a little town in Wisconsin somewhere between a major hyw and a cornfield there lived a girl named Ms.Arcadian, aka Arky. This little girl was unfortunately born too soon, for she was meant to live in the 60's... As she grew up she met other girls with this same problem...their names were Libby (aka Girl In Yellow Dress), Julie (aka Jewls), and Amy (aka Neffie, aka valwi). Theses girls became very close friends
Then one day when Libby, aka Giyd, was sitting at home watching television she clicked upon a wonderous new (but old) show...

The Monkees

Yes, she had unknowingly stumbled upon one of the goofiest and craziest shows of the 60's, and she loved it! She ended up watching hours of the marathon she had cut into the middle of...
The next day she told her dear friends of her discovery and they quickly became hooked. They bought up memoribilia, records, CDs, and even clothes that appeared to somewhat resemble something one of the boys had worn in an eppy. Throughout the second summer of love,(the summer of 1997) they watched and listened to The Monkees. They began searching the papers and internet for concert dates that would bring them close to their sad little town. The closest was Rosemont Horizon in the Chicago area. But lo, this was too far for them to trek.
One day while searching the papers for a summer job Arky's brother Ron (aka Ron, The All High God That We Now Worship) found an interesting add that he highlighted and showed to Arcadian. She hugged him and thanked him and then went to her mother and father(aka. The Awesomest Dad That Drove Them To The Concert) to ask about the add...
So they went to a concert and were even more hooked when they got home! (to find out why, read about the concert experience) Meeting Davy and Peter (briefly) had an impact on all of them. They fell in love even more with the music and the madness.
Another wonderful thing came from the concert they attended...they finally formed the band they had been talking about for so long. They became the all-girls band known as Oral Fixation. They later changed there name to Stone Fox because they were told people could take the name Oral Fixation in a bad way. Go figure?! They had gigs and preformances and even a recording session with the music cordinator from the Crystal Grande Music Theatre where they saw the Monkees preform.

And so the story continues into the future...never ending (aka always continuing).

There will soon be a page with lyrics and guitar chords...*g*

Have fun finding the few fun wav files on the monkees related pages. *g*

Email me for suggestions or anything else!

Ps. If anyone has a picture of Charlotte, Micky's second daughter could you let me know?

Dog Of A Different Color says...


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