
By Arcadian

These are poems that I have written late at night, early in the morning, whatever time of day they come to me. They are all original works, if you would like to use them for your own purposes, please ask me first. They are all seperated from each other, some are depressing, others are just there, just rantings of mine, enjoy and tell me what you think of them.


The antichrist exists in my head...
I study it while dreaming in bed...
what is it? Where is it from?
Hell? beyond?
The antichrist exists in my head...
so what do I do?
I erase the memory and it is no more...


Walk out into the night
out into the fridgid air
what I need now is life
I need life for survival

survival of the fittest
survival of the strong
the weak shall perish...
but the weak shall rule the earth...

walk into the night
and learn of the truth
take it into your heart
and into your soul and never forget...


take a train to the clouds...take a trip to the moon...
take a boat to the mountains...take an airplane to the hills...
take me away...to somewhere else....


Taking a breath from the past of lives,
Waiting for the touch of a soul long since gone,
Why not someone else? Why not somewhere else?
Why to my child? my my love, my life, my own blood?
Justice? Fate? None are reason enough for my pain,
for my anguish...


Slammed heads against the window...cracking glass from the impact...
metal twisting in unbelievable shapes, and all for a good time...
Bones snap with lightning quick movements, slurred smiles turn quickly to faces of horror...
blood on the ground, on the windshield, on hands, on faces...
and all for a little fun...


Take me away, to the bed in the sky
and lay me down, in your emerald studded eyes

I wish I were near, to see your face,
but nearness has faded with love and compassion
Unjustly accused of hating for love,
unjustly accused of loving too much
I walk into the dark to shed my skin
and begin the day anew


I awake to the dawn of tomorrows dark light
It lies to me of the truth beyond this life
of the darkness it has enveloped me in

I live in the dark as it consumes my soul and devours my heart
I wish for tomorrows light, the dark light, that it may be lighter than todays...

but tomorrow comes with shadows and secrets, keeps me from the truth and pushes me towards the pit...

so I live in yesterday...


Walking through time,
walking through space
running into people all over the place

Wondering of life
wondering of the end
wishing what my fiance will send

Killing the time
killing in the dark
is that the police? Hark?!

Watching the lights flash,
watching them break down the door
the tabloids still ask for more

I sit at the trial
I sit in the cell
I sit forever in my own little hell


Chimed in words in the end is strange
taking is giving and loving in the end
wishing for the past in the future revealed
taking what's given to heart and fulfilled


Life is useless in reality
for when reality takes over
all training and skills are lost
only the instinces and intuitions are kept


Challenging the majority takes willpower and determination
Challenging the weak takes an empty heart and a thoughtless mind


Facing adversity in the line of love
taking a bullt straight to the heart
falling down a flight of termoil
taking the workmans com at the singles office
then going back to work the next day
back in the line of fire...


Check you head, and check yourself
for the adsence of love is a teribble threat
is kills the souls of todays youth
and pierces the hearts of their parents
for those who are not loved, cannot love in return
those who are not loved can never reach their full potential
those who are not loved, will die


strangers in the moonlight
taking glances fast
glance at their watch
glance at the track
and get on the train


Quickly while I wait, beside the english garden
Waiting for the band to come

But waiting only passes the time and the band doesn't come
I've been a naughty girl...

Take me under and show me the way, to eternity and beyond
to the life of the worlds past
to the ultimate love
love in itself is a trip and the ultimate one indeed...


Needing a laugh in the endless night
needing a creak from the lull in her life,
she takes away the chains, takes away the shade
letsin the light, lets in the love
takes in the laughter...and the dream ends


fuck the light that gave us life
fuck it to hell and beyond to it's grave
kill it when it's weak and sick and stoned
from the fumes it smells from the world
Fuck the world that gives of lies and hate
let it back to when it tries to convert our life into
let it back to hell, fuck it over and let it die


Waiting for the last breath to be taken, waiting to leave this world
waiting for the end of eternity, when my dreams will be fulfilled...


This is what you said you'd give me...

LOVE....AMORE....thanks for nothing bastard


Fast approaching are the words of desire
fast nearing are the passions
but wanting and having are two seperate things...


without the innocence of children we lie
without the love of the world we defile
without the grace of nature we rape
and without you I'll die


run up the stairs, out of the door
out of our lives and into our past
waking up next to you hurt my soul
now I live at the sight of the empty spot in my bed

realizing the wrongs I've made and realizing the truth
I let you go and live and breath and love again...


Waiting and watching is a must you see
for death and life will never see me
I wait int he shadows for the wonders of life
and find that they come with the break of new light
Embace the dawn
embrace the love
and find yourself somewhere above...


Twas dark and bleak in the winter it layed
Seeming it dead in the earth's dull clay
When revived with a kiss and a touch of her hand
It sprang forth to her side and stood there to stand
>From out of the earth it did come
And across the hillside rivers run
Forever there and forever be
Love and immortality


Take my heart in the hand of my love
And leave it there for thy to keep
For it is there whether thee wants it or not
And never will I take it back from thee


Thwarted in life and love and sorrow
Seeking a day without a tomorrow
Living your life when there's none to become
And taking apart of the tedious run
Run away from the past and the future
And live in today...


More will be added as I write and as I get time to post it.
Thanks for reading
