Most of you know TOM. Right ?
He's the little
Robot guy who pilots
The Absolution
Space Station which brings Toonami transmissions to your Television.
Toonami Power is run by TOM's 2 younger brothers,
DAN and BOB.
They auditioned
for TOM's job at the time that he did.
But they were
too young and in-experienced to get it.
Even though
they didn't get the job, they decided to Create this Website for
all you faithful Toonami fans.
He's the Man with the Plan.
The older of the 2 brothers
DAN had the vision
to Create Toonami Power out of his
love for Toonami
Shows and other Toonami fans.
DAN is the Technical
Man. He gave Toonami Power it's Sleek Design.
On top of that,
he takes care of all of the contests, news,
writes most of the
columns, and uploads our files to the server.
He's also Toonami
Power's Diplomat. That means he has connections.
It also means he
takes care of your Emails.
Write him an Email and show some appreciation.
BOB is the Younger of us 2 brothers.
What does BOB do? Frankly I don't know.
Well, actually he
makes almost all of our Cool Logos
and does most of
the Image work.
All the Logos in
the Shows Info Sections? Yep, his work.
He also Designed
our Entrance Logo and the Logo on the home page.
You know, the one
with pictures of he and I on the front.
Yep. BOB keeps busy. The kid's got a future in graphics Design.
Did I mention he
runs the FUN section???
Yeah, it's his.
He does all those hilarious interviews with Toonami Characters.
BOB puts some spark
into Toonami Power.
Email him and tell
him how much you appreciate him.
Also tell him what
types of images you'd like to see more of on our page.
Together, DAN
and BOB make the Perfect Team.
to bringing you the Best Toonami Info Anywhere.
If you would like to contact one of us with a message or information then please write to the following E-mail address. toonamipower@yahoo.com