Please select a destination below.You are currently in the Main Page.Click here to see an assortment of Rover-related and fanart pics.Click here to read a collection of Rover stories.Not familiar with the Road Rovers?  Click here.Click here to find links to other Rover pages.Click here to see the Rover Web Rings I am associated with.Want to know a little about me?  Click here.Click here to sign my guestbook! Please? : )Click here to view my guestbook.
Hello and welcome to my page!

    Updated on Jan. 31, 2000.  The Gallery has been updated. Well, I've decided to put up a black&white preview of my pic, and you can click on the thumbnail below to see it.  I will turn it into a detailed, high-quality picture, merged with a kick-@$$ background and all the good stuff.  It's not a character; its a 'mech(a 'mech is a war machine, incase you've never heard of it).  I'll continue to work on it when I'm in the mood.
    Believe it or not, drawing the warhawk is way easier for me than drawing a character.  I was going to try to get started on another character drawing, but since nobody seems to care about my artwork, I said forget it.  Nobody's said anything at all about my stuff.

I drew this to create a small scene in my ever-so-slowly progressing story.  However, the pic will be done well before the story is finished, I promise that.
85-ton Warhawk (c) FASA Corporation
Artwork (c) M. Thomas

"Two of the most beautiful scenes in the world- Dawn and sunset"
Image (c) M. Thomas
Dawn (c) Dianne L.

-Artwork copyright M. Thomas/Cmdr. Michael Rayner copyright M. Thomas-

Do you have a need to communicate to me through instantaneous electronic text in a form of technology known as "e-mail"?
Well, do you?
Michael Thomas, Official Title- "Dat dude who runs dis place"

Wanna chat with me? My ICQ number is 33069265

I don't think the Post Office accepts partially burned letters...
All hatemail, death threats, curses, and anything of that nature can be sent to:

     This site is an UNOFFICIAL Road Rover site, and is not meant to infringe upon the rights of the WB. I have no direct connection to the WB, and this is strictly a non-profit site maintained by a fan. Road Rovers (c) Warner Brothers, 1996. This page is best viewed with Netscape 4.5+, MSIE 4.0+, or AOL 4.0+ at 1024 x 768 or 800 x 600 screen resolution. Some stuff in this place is (c) me unless otherwise mentioned. Have a nice day!