Chapter 71


A little while later Sonny and Luke are sitting at the bar at the club.
"So Brenda tells me what went down after I left. I, of course, reacted the
most stupidly and bonehead way possible. She got real pissed off at me. She
told me off and rushed out of there. Brenda couldn't get away fast enough."
"That bad huh ?"
"Worse. I was kicking myself and then Jason shows up. I go off on him for not
geting in touch with me the second he found out that Brenda was pregnant. Or
the second that Brenda ended up at GH."
"Buddy, it wasn't Jason's fault. We were going to look for you but then Brenda
was getting better. She's doing all right Sonny. She made a home for herself
and Stone."  
"That's not the point. She was hurting because of me. I left to prevent that.
I didn't know how bad it was. I would've come back in a heartbeat."
"And then who knows where you two would be now. You might have made it or you
might not have. Laura and I went on the run but it was hard. Lets face it
partner,Brenda is a good mother and a pretty good person, I can see that now
but she's not Laura and you're not me. It was hard raising Lucky on the run.
Believe me."
Sonny looked up from his drink at Luke.
"I know but you two made it. Brenda and I-"
"Are still alive with a beautiful healthy son. Why rehash things ? The bottom
line is that Jason did the only thing that he could at the time. Other people
were ooking for you too. They were watching Jason and they might have found
out where you were and you could be dead."   
Sonny gulped down his scotch
"You're probably right but I just feel so helpless. I should've been here with
her and my son. I could've helped her."
"Its not too late partner."
Sonny looked at his best friend defeatedly
"Brenda won't have anything to do with me. I should kiss the gorund that she's
even letting me within 5 feet of my son."
Luke shook his head
"Brenda's incredibly stubborn but so are you. Give it some time. Don't give
up. You guys love each other. Now, I don't say this often. Hell, I rarely do
say it but I was wrong."
Sonny glanced up at Luke 
"May I ask about what ?"
"Brenda. You guys love each other and she makes you happy. You messed it up
but I think you've still got a chance. You just have to want it bad enough and
earn it. Just go for it buddy before its too late."
Sonny was amused
"When did you become the spokesperson for mending relationships ? Either
you're spending too much time behind that bar or you're spending too much time
with Mike."
"Bite your tongue Corinthos. One thing though."
"What's that ?"
"This isn't Jason's fault. You should really talk to him. He's your friend and
he's mine too."
Sonny nodded
"I know. I was going to talk to him this morning but I left pretty early.
Jason begged me not to go and leave Brenda. I should have listened to him.
This is my mess and I'm going to take full responsiblity. I have to make
things right with Jason and Brenda. Is Jason around ?"
"No, junior had something to take care of. Mike's in the back though if you
want to talk to someone unless you want to help me with the books and bills.
I've got stacks of them."
Luke and Sonny go into the back room and continue catching up and talking like
the two old friends that they are.

The Bridge

Robin is standing there in her coat. She turns around and sees Jason standing
there watching her. 
He rode his motorcycle there and she had heard him coming. She smiled at him.

Chapter 72

Robin spoke first.
"Hello, do you want to go somewhere else ? Its cold out here and you shouldn't be here alone."
Robin smiled again
"I'm not alone. You're here." 
"You're right. "
"I wanted to meet here. I wanted to talk to you privately."
Jason felt his heart leap into his throat. He could barely breathe, let alone speak.
"About what ?"
"Us ?"
"Yeah, I miss you Jason. I was wrong to make you choose. I love you. Please tell me its not too late."
Jason watched her in disbelief. He saw the fear of rejection in her eyes and the hope. More importantly, he saw the love in her eyes. Love for him. He had waited forever to see her look at him that way again. His eyes soon matched hers. 
Robin saw his love for her and the young lovers quickly embraced.
"Oh g*d Robin. I've missed you so much. When you called I thought..."
"Thought what ?"
"Maybe you were going to say good-bye, that you were going to move on with you life, tell me to forget."
"Jason, I would never do that. Sometimes memories are all you have left. You don't have many so they're all the more precious."
"Come on."
Jason gently took her hand and started walking towards his motorcycle.
"Where are we going ?" Robin asked while laughing
"We're going to make more memories. To make up for lost time."

The reunited couple spend the rest of the day together, celebrating. Forgetting the problems of the outside world and only concentrating on each other. Their laughter floats behind them as they get on Jason's motorcycle and drive off, together like they were meant to be. Always, since the day they met and Jason Morgan was born.
Chapter  73

Brenda spends the rest of the afternoon at the gatehouse going over everything for L&B. Brooke and Stone play together up at the main house. Lila and Edward are watching them. Ned and Kyle had lunch together going over their business deal. Ned brings him back to the main house to speak with Edward. Lois and Brenda finish their work and go up to the main house to get the kids. 
When the two women walk in, they can hear Edward bellowing about something.
Ned and Kyle are at the receiving end.
"Do you hear that 'Lo ?"
"Bren, the whole block can hear that. I'm going to go save Nedley."
"Okay. I'll go upstairs and check on the kids."
Lois goes into the living room to rescue Ned. Brenda starts to go up the stairs when Reginald walks in. Brenda greets him.
"Hi Reginald. Where are Brooke and Stone ?"
"They're with Lila in the kitchen. Cook is fixing them snacks."
"You mean your cook ? The same one that has threatened to quit no less than 100 times when someone went into her kitchen to spoil their dinners ?"
Reginald smiles
"The same one. She really adores those kids but don't tell her I said that. She doesn't want anyone to know. That boy of yours is quite adorable."
"I know. I can't believe he's mine. Thank you Reginald. I won't disturb them since they're having so much fun. I just wanted to make sure Stone was okay. I'll get him later."
Brenda walks into the Q foyer. Her eyes fall on Kyle.
"Hello Edward, Ned, Lois. Hi Kyle. I didn't know you would be here."
"Brenda. Ned and I were going over some stuff but it can wait. How are you ?"
"I'm good. I-" 
Edward interrupts them
"Excuse me but I thought we were trying to close a deal here, not socialize. Honestly, I don't know how you got so far in the business world with such a short attention span. Young people these days."
Edward turns to Ned
"Well Ned. Don't just stand there. Do something. He's your friend."
Ned smirks
"Exactly Grandfather. That's why I won't let you-"
"Its okay Ned. Edward has a point." Kyle said
Everyone in the room looks at him in surprise. No one ever agrees with Edward. Even Edward is flustered
"Um. Of course I do young man."
"I looked over the figures and the contracts at lunch. Everything looks in order. I'll sign them in the morning after my lawyer goes over everything. Right now I want to take my friend Ned, his lovely wife and Brenda out to dinner. You guys showed me a good time last night and I want to return the favor. How about it ?"  
After some protesting on who is paying all four agree to go out and have dinner at the Outback. They are about to leave when Lila comes in with the kids. Brooke is walking by herself and she's holding Stone's hand, leading him into the room. They look like brother and sister. Stone is trying to walk and Brooke is keeping him steady. 
"Look mommy. Cousin Stone can walk. I'm helping him daddy. Look !"
Brenda's face lights up when she sees them together.
"Oh god Lois. He is walking. That's real good Brooke."
Brenda said while kneeling in front of them.
"Thanks Aunt Brenda. He was trying to do it by himself before but he kept falling. I started helping him after the first couple of times."
"You know he was doing this last week. Or trying to. Stone kept trying to stand on his feet instead of crawling everywhere. I was watching him for hours and he still couldn't walk." Brenda said as she picked Stone up and turned back to Lois and Ned. 
She notices Kyle watching her intently. 
"It took awhile for Brooke here to learn to walk too, Brenda. Your son is going to be a very smart kid when he gets older. I bet you that he'll be the first to learn his alphabet in his kindergarten class too."
"Ned's right. Our godson is a going to make you proud and lets not forget what a cutie he is."
Brenda smiles at them and then looks down at Brooke
"I think with a big sister like you daughter here, my son will do just fine."
Brooke walked over to her parents and smiled at them
Kyle finally spoke
"Your son is a real handsome little boy. I'm sure he'll turn out real good with a mother like you. "
"Thank you." 
"You said his name was Stone ?"
"Yes, I named him after a dear friend. His name's Michael but we call him Stone. It suits him."

Chapter 74

Brenda and Lois settle the kids in bed upstairs. Brenda calls her house to tell Robin that she won't be in until later and that Stone will be at the Quartermaine's. There is no answer so Brenda leaves a message. 

The Outback

Brenda, Kyle, Ned and Lois all arrive for dinner. Felicia greets them and gets them a table.
The waitress takes their orders. While they are waiting for their food they talk. They're food comes and soon after Mac comes on stage to introduce Dara Jensen. Dara comes onstage and starts singing.

Love wandered inside
Stronger than you 
Stronger than I
And now that it has begun
We cannot turn back
We can only turn into one

Jason and Robin enter the crowded restaurant unnoticed by everyone else. The young couple sit at the bar. Mac is in the kitchen taking care of an emergency.

I won't ever be too far away to feel you
And I won't hesitate to at all
Whenever you call
And i'll always remember
The part of you so tender
I'll be the one to catch your fall
Whenever you call

Felicia spots them sitting together and looks curiously at Robin who nods slightly.
Felicia smiles at her surrogate daughter and mouths her congratulations.

And i'm truly inspired
Finding my soul 
There in your eyes
And you
Have opened my heart
And lifted me inside
By showing me yourself

Ned reaches over and takes Lois's hand in his. They smile at each other. Lois squeezes his hand and mouths 'I love you' which he returns with a kiss.
I won't ever be too far away to feel you
And I won't hesitate to at all
Whenever you call
And i'll always remember
The part of you so tender
I'll be the one to catch your fall
Whenever you call

Brenda looks over at Kyle and forces a smile. She was listening to Dara sing and it was making her think about Sonny. Her mind drifted to thoughts of him all the time but it was different this time.

And I will breathe for you each day
Comfort you through all the pain
Gently kiss your fears away
You can turn to me and cry
Always understand that I
Give you all I am inside

She remembered that morning. He was so close she could barely breathe. She had wanted so much to get lost in those eyes and let him take her in his arms but she couldn't. There was much more at stake here than her broken heart this time.      

I won't ever be too far away to feel you
And I won't hesitate to at all
Whenever you call
I won't ever be too far away to feel you
And I won't hesitate to at all
Whenever you call
And i'll always remember
The part of you so tender
I'll be the one to catch your fall
Whenever you call

The whole audience started clapping when Dara finished the song. Lois got up as soon as Dara put the microphone down. Lois cornered Dara and tried to get her to sign with L&B.
Ned got up to go rescue Dara. When they sat back down Ned saw Jason and Robin together.

"Well well well. Look at that." Ned said as he looked in their direction.
"What is it Ned ?"
Brenda turned around and glanced at the bar. 
Lois turned back to Brenda
"You didn't tell me that they were back together."
"I didn't know. Robin rushed off this morning. I guess I know where she was now."
"She looks happy."
"Then I'm happy for her. So what did Dara say ?" Brenda asked, trying to change the subject.

Chapter  75

Mac comes out of the kitchen and starts chatting with some customers. He glances up and spots Robin...then Jason.
Mac walks over to the bar.
"Hey Robin. I was hoping you would come in today. Jason, how are you ?"
Mac asked as he eyes Jason
" Pretty good considering
"I'm almost afraid to ask but i'll bite. Considering what ?"
Robin smiles at Mac
"Uncle Mac, Jason and I are back together." Robin said beaming happily
Mac looked from Jason to his niece. He hadn't seen Robin so happy in months.
Jason even looked almost human. He was actually kind of smiling. Mac swallowed his pride and objections for Robin's sake.
"When did this happen ?"
"This morning. Uncle Mac, I know that you don't exactly approve but I love Jason and he makes me happy."
Mac sighed
"Robin, if you're happy then i'm happy. I'm just a little surprised. " 
Ned and Lois have walked over and start chatting with Robin
"So its true Ned."
"I knew it when you walked. You were beaming. I'm so happy for you Robin."
"Thanks Lois."
Mac turns to face Jason and quietly talks to him while Robin is busy with Ned and Lois.
"Jason, you're a lucky man for obvious reasons. I'm expecting you to take care of my niece. Or else you'll answer to me."
Jason nodded
"I know. I'll protect Robin with everything I am. I won't let anything happen to her."
"I'll hold you to that."
"I thought you would."
"Then we understand each other. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a business to run."
Mac walks over to where Felicia is and starts talking to her.
Robin takes Jason's hand and stands up.
"Now that we've spread the good news, lets go spend some time alone together." 
"I was thinking the same thing."
"Can we say hi to Brenda first though ? she's sitting over there with Ned's friend."
Jason and Robin walk over to where Brenda is sitting with Kyle.
"Hi Brenda."
"Hey Robin. Jason."
He nodded
"Oh, I want you to meet Kyle Montgomery. Kyle, this is my roommate and best friend Robin Scorpio. This is her friend Jason Morgan."
The three greet each other. Jason is looking Kyle over the whole time. After a few minutes Jason and Robin leave.
Brenda sighs
"You okay ? "
"Yeah, i'm fine. I'm happy for Robin but I don't think Jason's exactly the perfect guy for her. I just want her to be happy but I don't want her to get hurt. She was before when they were together."
"As long as he makes her happy and they love each other, then what else is there ?"
What else, she thinks to herself. How about love, trust, honesty and safety. Again her mind is filled with thoughts of Sonny. 
"Can we get out of here please, I don't feel like staying any longer. My car's at the gatehouse. I just need a lift and Ned and Lois are busy. I don't want to disturb them."
Ned and Lois are dancing to another slow love song that Dara is singing. They are completely lost in each other.
They leave

Chapter 76

 The Penthouse

Jason walks in after dropping Robin off at home. He walks in and sees Sonny sitting on the couch, staring at the fireplace.
Jason walks past Sonny and starts upstairs. Sonny stops him
"I wanted to talk to you about something. Gotta minute ?"
Jason walked over to Sonny and sat down on the opposite couch.
"You left early this morning. I wasn't sure-"
"I had to go see Brenda. I spent the morning with my son."
Jason looked at the ground then up at Sonny
"I'm sorry."
"Don't. I should be the one apologizing to you Jason. Lets just forget all of this. We're friends. Nothing will ever change that."
"I'm glad. Its good to have you back." Jason said quietly
"Thanks. Its good to be back. I need a favor."
"Name it."
"I need some men to watch Brenda's house and make sue that she and my son are okay.
I'm going to be over there a lot and I want it safe. I'd prefer her to have a driver or a body guard but I don't think she'll have it. I'm not exactly her favorite person and I don't want to tick her off anymore."
"She hates me too. I just saw her at the outback and she barely said two words to me."
"The Outback ? Was Stone with her ?"
"No, she was having dinner with Ned, Lois and her date."
"Date ?" 
Jason nodded
"Ned's friend. Robin said that she met him the other day. They had dinner last night."
"I don't like it. What's his name ?"
Jason thinks back for a few seconds
"Montgomery, Kyle Montgomery."
"I met him at Luke's the other day. Run a background check on him. I want to know everything about him. Anything strange, tell me right away."
 "I'll get Benny on it right away." Jason pauses "You sure about this ? I mean if you're checking up on Brenda and having her watched, I doubt that'll keep you on her good side."
Sonny shook his head
"I don't care. I can handle Brenda. Just as long as she's safe. I want someone guarding the house and watching my son. Wherever he is at all times." 
Sonny looked up at Jason. There was something different about him.
"You mentioned Robin. You were together at the outback ?"
Jason smiled
"We got back together this morning. Robin wanted to tell Mac the good news."
"That's great man. Congratulations."
Sonny stands up and hugs his best friend
"I'm happy for you both."
"Thanks man, that means a lot."
"I'm just glad things worked out for you."
Sonny goes and pours himself another drink
"I wanted to talk to you about something else. I think I should move out. This is your place. I don't think it would be good for business to have me around."
"Sonny, I like having you here. This was your home first. I don't care about business. I'll handle it. Look, I bought Katherine Bell's old penthouse when she moved out. You can have this place and i'll move in there."
"No, if anyone should move, it should be me."
"Move what Sonny ? All of this stuff is yours. I didn't change a thing."
"Somehow I don't exactly picture you buying furniture."
Jason shrugged
"I could ask Robin to help me. She might like it. Besides I just need a couch and a bed right ?"
Sonny laughs
"More or less. Okay, I'll take the penthouse back but only if I reimburse you for it. I need a safe place to bring my son to when he's with me."
"Brenda's letting you take him ?"
"I'm hoping she will."
"Well good luck. I have a feeling you're going to need it."
"Thanks man."

The Gatehouse

Kyle has driven Brenda back to the gatehouse so she could get her car and pick up Stone.
"Thank you for tonight. I had a good time."
"Me too Brenda. Maybe we could do it again sometime."
Brenda smiles
"I'd like that."
"Tomorrow night ?"
"We'll see. Why don't you call me in the morning ? I"d like to have lunch and we can catch up. You haven't really told me what Christie's been up to. I remember you saying she got married."
Kyle doesn't say anything for a few seconds.
"Yeah, she got married over a year ago."
"You can tell me everything next time. I want to get home and put my son down for the night."
"It looks like he's already out like a light." Kyle said as he glanced in the car where Stone was sleeping in his baby seat.
"Yeah, he looks so peaceful, doesn't he ? Well, I talk to you tomorrow."
"Counting on it. Good night."

Chapter  77

The Next Morning
Brenda's cottage

Brenda and Robin are already up and have eaten breakfast already. Brenda is
sitting on he couch, watching Stone play. Robin is working on some papers.
The phone rings.
"Robin, can you get that ?"
Robin gets up to answer the phone.
"Hello ?...yeah she's right here. Hold on. May I ask who's calling ?..."
Robin turns around to face Brenda who has already stood up.
"Its for you. It's Kyle."
Brenda thanks Robin and picks up the receiver.
"Hello ?...Oh hi...No, I didn't forget." Brenda laughs. "That's too bad...You
can ? That sounds good. I'd love to...okay, I'll meet you there. Bye."
Robin looks at Brenda strangely.
"What's going on ?"
"I'm having lunch with Kyle. He has to leave for business tonight. We were
supposed to have dinner."
"That's too bad."
"Its okay. He'll be back. He still has to close that deal with Ned."
"You really like him huh ?"
Brenda picks Stone up and looks at Robin.
"Kyle is very nice, he's sweet and handsome. Not to mention he's rich. If
something happens and we get serious, he can take care of us."
Robin studies her best friend for a few seconds before speaking.
"If you need money I wish you'd let me pay rent."
"Robin, we've been over this. I wouldn't take money from you. I like having
you here. 
Besides, Julia is paying the rent on this place and she doesn't need your
money nor will she take it. I think she likes having you here so you can watch
over me since she can't."
"What about Sonny ?"
Brenda is starting to get annoyed but manages to stay calm.
"What about him ?"
"I think that Sonny...Never mind."
Brenda could tell what Robin was going to say.
"I told you that I don't want anything from Sonny. I wouldn't think of him at
all except for the fact that he's Stone's father. I'm moving on with my life.
I don't care about Sonny anymore. I don't want anything to do with him."
Robin decided to drop the subject even though she could tell there was
something wrong. 
She didn't want to upset Brenda.
"I have a date with Jason. I have to get ready. I'll see you later."
Brenda nodded and turned her attention back to her son.
"Have a good time."
Brenda went upstairs to get ready for her lunch date with Kyle and she takes
Stone with her.
"Come on sweetie. We'll call your daddy and see if he wants to spend sometime
with you today."

A half hour later
Sonny's penthouse

Brenda arrives with Stone carrying a bag of his things. Renaldo lets her in.
Brenda glances around the empty penthouse.
"Is Sonny here ?"
"Right here. Thank you Renaldo."
The bodyguard nods and closes the door behind him
"Hi, here let me take him." Sonny walks across the room from the stairs and
takes Stone.
"Hey buddy. How's it going ?"
Stone laughs a little and waves his hands in the air.
"Brenda, I was surprised when you called."
"Why ? "
Sonny shrugged
"I didn't think you wanted...I didn't think that you'd let me take him."
"Its only for a few hours. You said that you wanted to spend some time with
our son so i'm letting you."
"You don't have to get defensive. I was just... Forget it. I don't want to
fight with you."
Stone starts getting fussy.
"You better put him down. He doesn't like behind held by other people too
Sonny gently sets Stone down on the couch.
"I brought some of his toys and things. If he gets tired just put him down
upstairs in the bed. He doesn't like sleeping in strange places but I brought
his favorite blanket so I think he'll be fine. He usually takes a nap in the
afternoon. When he wakes up just give him a snack and he'll be okay. I already
fed Stone but if he gets fussy again just give him some juice. He doesn't like
milk. There's a bottle in the bag-"
Brenda stops talking when she notices Sonny looking at her funny
"Sonny, are you even listening to me ?"
Finally he snaps out of it.
"I'm listening. It just sounded funny. You know, you giving me all these
orders on how to take care of our son. It sounds like you have everything down
"What did you expect ? That i'd be a horrible mother and I wouldn't know what
the hell i'm doing ? You know forget it, I'm just going to go. I'll get Mike
to watch Stone."
Brenda is about to pick Stone up and leave when he stops her
"I didn't mean it like that. Wait, i'm sorry. It didn't come out right. You're
doing a fantastic job considering the circumstances. I'm impressed. You were
just standing there giving me all this advice and stuff, I was just kind of
caught off guard. It was like you're super mom or something."
"I try." 
"I think you did a helluva lot more than just try. I should have given you
more credit. You never cease to amaze me Brenda."
"I'll take that as a compliment."
"It is one."
"Thank you."
"Don't. I should be thanking you."
Brenda sits down on the couch next to Stone while Sonny remains standing.
"I have someplace I need to be. I can stay for another five minutes if you
need help."
Sonny sits down on the other side of his son
"I think we'll be okay."
"Are you sure ? Because I can write everything down-"
"Brenda, we'll be fine here. Stop worrying. Just go."
"I'll have my cell phone, if there's a problem just call. If you can't get
through, i'll be at the
Outback. I'll be back in about 3 hours."
Brenda stands up.
"Two days in a row."
"What ?"
"Jason said you were there last night. I wasn't spying. He said-"
"I know, he was with Robin."
"You were with Ned's friend."
He looked at her. 
"You look nice. That dress brings out the color in your eyes."
"Um, thank you. That's the same think Lois said when we were out shopping. I
have to go. Call me if there's a problem. Remember what I said."
"Its etched in my brain." Sonny pauses. "Don't worry Brenda. We'll be okay. I
Brenda nodded. She bent back down and kissed Stone goodbye.
"Bye-bye Sweetheart. Mommy has to go now. You be good for your daddy. I'll be
back in a few hours."
"Bye honey. Sonny."
"I'll have Johnny walk you out."
"I'm fine Sonny."
"Just humor me okay ? I don't want anything to happen to the mother of my
"Fine. Don't forget-"
"to call if there's a problem. I know."
Brenda sighed
"I'm sorry. I'm not trying to bug you. I just worry. Are you sure you don't
want me to stay?"
No, I want you to stay here forever with me, I love you, Sonny thought to
"No, go and have a good time. Don't cancel your plans. My son and I have a
good time planned. We're going to have tons of fun, right Stone ?"
Sonny picked Stone up and started playing with him.
Brenda smiled at the sight.
"Okay, I'm leaving. Bye sweetie. I'll be back later Sonny."
Brenda follows the other bodyguard out to her car.


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