Lisa's World

Lisa has done so much in her eight years. Her achievements are incredible, yet she also learns from her downfalls too. Here's all the things (achievements and downfalls) that she has done so far:

Lisa's Accomplishments

* Busted her father for stealing cable (7F13-Homer vs. Lisa and the Eighth Commandment)

*Won a regional essay contest with a paper she wrote about Springfield Forest (8F01-Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington)

*Aided Bart in reuniting Krusty with his estranged father (8F05-Like Father Like Clown)

*Helped Bart help get Krusty's career back on track by recruiting stars to appear on his comeback special (9F19-Krusty gets Kancelled)

*Named runner-up in the Little Miss Springfield Pageant, but took over the title when the winner was struck by lightning (9F02-Lisa The Beauty Queen)

*Co-starred as Martha Washington in the President's Day Pageant (9F13-I Love Lisa)

* Co-creator of Lisa Lionheart doll with Malibu Stacy creator Stacy Lovell (1F12-Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy)

*All-Star goalie in pee-wee hockey with the Kwik-E-Mart Gougers (2F05-Lisa on Ice)

*Discovered Jebediah Springfield was a pirate (3F13-Lisa the Iconoclast)

*Converted to vegetarianism (3F03-Lisa the Vegetarian)

*Editor-in-Chief of the Springfield Elementary School yearbook, also given honors for Junior Overachievement, Record for Most Handraises in a Single Semester (763), Most Popular Student's Sister, Spelling Bee Queen, Camera Club, Tidiest Locker, Head Buckaroo of the Grammar Rodeo and organizer of the French Table (3F22-Summer of 4 ft. 2)

*Helped Bart foil Sideshow Bob on 5 separate occasions

*Assisted Mr. Burns in recovering his fortune (4F17-The Old Man and the Lisa)

*Passed the second grade as the first femal cadet at Rommelwood Military Academy (4F21-The Secret War of Lisa Simpson)

Lisa's Downfalls

*Lost the national essay contest after losing faith in government (8F01-Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington)

*Lost Little Miss Springfield crown due to disillusionment by pageant sponsor Laramie Cigarettes...and by Homer's incompetence in filling out her application form (9F02-Lisa the Beauty Queen)

Refused to participate in "The Simpson Family Smile-Time Variety Hour" and was replaced by a slim teenager posing as her (4F20-The Simpsons' Spin-Off Showcase)

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