Miss Hoover's Homeroom

Welcome to Lisa's classroom at Springfield Elementary. Would you like to take this trivia quiz to see how much you know about her and maybe win a cool award if you get them all right? Just fill in the form below and send it to me!

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And now, the quiz

1. Lisa finds out that Amber Dempsey's eyelash implants are illegal except in what country?

2. Who helps Lisa track down Malibu Stacy creator Stacy Lovell?

3. What makes Marge think Lisa's obsessed during the teachers' strike?

4. What team did Lisa play for in pee-wee hockey?

5. Name Lisa's favorite cartoon outside of "Itchy and Scratchy"

6. What is the name of the Itchy and Scratchy cartoon Lisa helps Bart write?

7. When Lisa converts to vegetarianism, who does she meet in Apu's rooftop garden?

8. Which Happy Little Elf does she compare Bart to?

9. Why does Lisa go through a short rebellion phase?

10. Why doesn't Lisa dress as the state of Nevada in the school geography pageant?

Oh, here are some episode hints that may help you with the answers!

1. 9F02-Lisa the Beauty Queen

2. 1F12-Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy

3. 2F19-The PTA Disbands

4. 2F05-Lisa on Ice

5, 8. 7G01-Some Enchanted Evening

6. 9F16-The Front

7. 3F03-Lisa the Vegetarian

9. 8F15-Separate Vocations

10. 1F08-$pringfield

And an added clue for Question #1. Fill in the quote from 9F02 when Lisa first learns about Amber Dempsey:

Girl #1: Eyelash implants.
Lisa: I thought those were illegal.
Girl #2:Not in ________!

I will check the answers, and if you got a perfect score, you will win this super award! Good luck!

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