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Father - Col. William Armstrong, Mother- Margaret Elliott

Captain Edward B/1604 On The Border Scotland D/1650, Terwinney, Ire.

M/Abt 1625 Brooksboro, Ire. Mary Maguire B/Abt 1609, Terwinney, Ire. D/Abt 1680 Ederney, Ire.(Father-Captain Thomas Maguire)


It is assumed that Edward was in the Ireland Civil War, in King Charles I's army, as he is listed with rank of captain, but have no source.. Called "Edward from the Border" settled in North Ireland at a place called Brooksboro. He was the brother of John Of Longfield & William Of Hightower.

Edward moved from Brooksboro, to Ederney about 1650, and took possession of an estate called Terwinney.

Source-John Taylor-Historian

Source-Armstrong Surname Organization

Source-Armstrong House of Langholm, item 6

Source-Chronicles of the Armstrongs

Source-Chart of the Ten Lairds of Mangerton Castle

Source-Armstrong Surname Organization

Edward was later buried at Aghavea, the place of a Prehistoric Fortress of "Forth". The graves are in the center of the "rath", according to John Taylor, historian of the Terwinney, called "The Place of the Birches"..

In about the center of the circle lie the remains of the immediate descendents of Christrie's Will. Ranging from the main path and about thirty feet from the gate are six vaults, side by side in the order of their age, all with the Armstrong armorial bearings carved upon them.

The carvings of the first and oldest, with the exception of the coat of arms, is all worn away; it marks the grave of a descendant or relative of Christie's Will.

The present church is built just within the circle. Aghavea is about a mile from Brooksboro.


1.John B/1625 Border, Scotland D/? M/5/13/1667 Enniskillen, Ire. Ellen Corry B/Abt 1651 Enniskillen, Ire.


Called "John of Brooksboro" was witness to brother Alexanders Will.

Source-Saga of Siward p.17

John was an army officer in 1649

Source-Records of Ireland Abstract of Acts of Settlement & Explanation reign of King Charles I, in parliment at Westminster, England 11/30/1640

Source-The Armstrong Family History by Mrs. Mae Armstrong Simon-Historian for the Armstrong family of Lancaster Co., Pa.

Source-Enniskillen parish register of marriages 1666-1826


1.Martin B/Abt 1668 Of Longfield, Scotland D/1689

2.John B/1685 Of Longfield, Scotland D/? M/Abt 1710 Ulster, Ire. Susanna

3.William B/1688 Dumfrieshire, Scotland D/6/30/1737 Canonbie, Scotland M/Abt 1707 Scotland Jane Elliott
4.Capt. Thomas B/1689 Of Longfield, Scot. D/3/10/1769 Nedsongeried, Scotland

5.Archibald B/1692 Of Longfield, Scotland D/9/15/1757 Liddesdale, Scot.

2.Francis B/Abt 1643 Of Longfield, Scotland D/? Orange Co., N.Y.

3.James B/1645 Of Longfield, Scotland D/5/1/1745 Aghavea, Ire. M/1690 Brooksboro, Ire. Jean Campbell

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