República Argentina - Argentina Republic

"Actualizada el 8 de Noviembre de 1998"

"5:00 am Argentine Time;9:00 am Greenwich,United Kingdom Time"

"Updated on November 8,1998"

Pato y Polo son ambos Juegos Tradicionales Argentinos,junto con el Fútbol,Rugby y Tenis

Pato and Polo are both Traditional Argentine Games;Football,Rugby and Tennis as well of course !!!!!!

Buenos Aires Time

This Internet Web Site has been Visited since December 15,1996

Colección de Mates de Plata - Old Silver Mates,Tipical Argentine Infusion

Gauchos en Fogones,Atardecer en las Pampas Argentinas - Twilight in the Argentine's Pampas

Vestimenta Gaucha,Rastra y Facón - Gauchos Typical Gown Showing Rastra and Silver Facon

Facultad de Derecho de la UBA,Buenos Aires - Vista Nocturna

Buenos Aires UBA University of Laws - Night Sight

Teatro Colón de Buenos Aires - Vista Diurna desde la calle Viamonte

Colon Theatre of Buenos Aires - Sunlight Sight from Viamonte Street

Argentina On Line Página Principal

Argentina On Line Main Page

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