
Well, since you stopped here you obviously would like to know a little more about my background.

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The middle brother in a family of three boys, a Native Wisconsinite of Norwegian heritage, I was born in Madison Wisconsin on the Syttende Mai, 1952.

I grew up and attended school in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin graduating from secondary school in 1970. I did my post secondary work at Madison Area Technical College, 1970-'72, and on to the University of Wisconsin - Stout graduating with in 1974 a B.S. Industrial Education.

Over the years I have accumulated numerous credit hours attending workshops and in service courses giving me the educational equivalent of a doctoral degree; but without a diploma. I did post graduate work on photography/communications at Mankato State University, Minnesota 1975 and St. Cloud University, Minnesota 1976. I went back to U.W- Stout for an M.S. in Audio Visual Communications 1976-'81 A.B.D. (all but the degree) and most recently attended National Louis University in Evanston, Illinois where I received a M.S. Ed. 1992.

Currently I am the Instructional Technologist (IT's) at Bullen Junior High School, a position I started in the fall of 1997. I spend my day working students; modeling/teaching computer skills; such as multimedia/hypertext production. I also do Web Page Design for Internet Marketing Consultants operating their North Office.

Margaret Photo

When not working I enjoy the company of Misha and April, my canine companions, Margaret my teenaged daughter, who by her own choice, spends most of her time in Waukesha, Wisconsin with her mother. Andréa (Canidlover) has been my S.O. for the past16 years.


I enjoy travel and photography, (I have had a freelance photography business for about 20 years) and as you may have gathered scuba diving is numbered among my favorite hobbies.

When diving I have traveled with a group of divers from the Midwest, one of whom is a Marine Biologist working for the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, IL. He really knows his stuff, and has lived and traveled around much of the Pacific Ocean. Steve is our trip scout and we visit may of the places he has enjoyed.
In August 1997 I spent three weeks on diving trip to the Solomon Islands and Fiji.

In April of 1996 I spent a week on Ambergris Caye in Belize, CA and while there dove the Blue Hole. In the July I returned to my favorite "local" dive spot CoCoView, on Roatån, in the Bay Islands of Honduras.

In the summer of 1995 I spent a week diving the Great Barrier Reef on Lizard Island. Not at Quantas' Lizard Island Resort on the northwest end, but at the Research Station run by the Australian Museum on the southwest side of the island. I also spent a week in the tropical rainforest of Northern Queensland.

Images © Neal Skrenes 1996, 1997, 1998 Please do not use without permission.


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Last updated on March 8, 1998

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