Midwestern boy makes good!

Lands job with Alabama Web Design firm.

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Since writing this page a year ago I have upgraded my trusty 7600 to 233 MHz and added 512 k L2 cache along with 114 MB "MORE RAM". I recently purchased an Apple Color OneScanner 1200/30 and can scan with OCR (Optical Character Recognition). This allows me to do editing of previously printed originals and/or fax documents for customers. I now can also scan Transparencies (slides).

How can this be true you may ask? Believe it or not, all that I know I picked up from studying either HTML resource pages on the WWW, there are (IMnsHO) some excellent resources to be found at GeoCities, or through some easy HTML basic books I checked out from the public library.One of my early favorites was HTML for Dummies

You can see one of my earlier efforts, though not my first. Unfortunately I never considered archiving my first pages.(Though I recommend it to developing Web Designers, its nice to be able to look back, or show others just how far you've advanced) This version, was created after about five weeks of writing/reading HTML, (I recently found it on one of my old backup disks). The next upgrade was when I found out how to break my content into multiple screens or pages.

I also love problem solving and "fixing" things so I grew in my ability as needed.

All of my pages were hand crafted in the on a Macintosh IIciusing ClarisWorks 2.0 in a learn as you grow technique. On July 4th I switched to using a Power Macintosh 7600/120.

Most of the underwater photograph originals not found on the Photographic Pages were Kodachromeslides projected onto a screen and copied using an Apple QuickTake 150 digital camera, enhanced, saved as PICT files,then converted to transparent GIFs using the GraphicConverter v2.3.1 program. The background image was created by following the process described above, then an evenly-lit section was cut out of that GIF using GraphicConverter v2.3.1, duplicated, mirrored, aligned, and then joined together. A 161X500 pixel image was cut out of this artwork to be used as a background graphic. The mine photo, FWD photo and Moorish Idol photograph originals were color prints scanned with Ofoto & pre-scanned on an Apple Color OneScanner.GraphicConverter v2.3.1.

In July I purchased a Power Macintosh 7600/120 with a 1.2 Gig. hard drive. I started using a MicroTek ScannMaker with Adobe Photoshop 2.0. to scan prints taken on my recent vacation. I switched to using negative film so that I had images to use on these pages. The new results can bee seen on my Caribbean Page, and Photography page.

I also started using images digitalized by Seattle Photo Works. This company will process any film into digital images you can receive via ftp from the World Wide Web, about three days to a week before they arrive on disk format through the mail. See some examples of this process on my Lake Superior Diving Page and my Snorkel with the Manatees photographic gallery.

My first QuickTime™ Movie!

If you ever wondered how a frustrated diver keeps busy on cold crappy Midwestern weekends stop in @
http://www.oocities.org/TheTropics/4385/manateeqt.mov and find out.
You will need:
        a. a QuickTime movie player plug in 
        b. about 5 or 6 minutes with nothing else to do.

Technical stuff:

I took a small clip of snorkeling with Manatee in November and about 35 hrs and taught myself how to make a QuickTime movie.

I did it on the cheap, that is I didn't spend $10,000 on a video processing/editing system. I used my PowerMac 7600/120 (cleared and defragmented 700 Meg of hard drive space).

Hooked up my 4 Head RCA VCR#506 and played the clip. I recorded it with Apple's Video Player, saved the movie and then edited it using Avid VideoShop 3.02. (the most complicated application in the whole process). I removed the sound track to save space. Converted the movie to QuickTime standalone and used a new application I found at a QuickTime developers site to trim it up for WWW use.

The total file ended up @ 1015 k and I don't know how to make it any smaller and still have much motion (though if I figure out how to get it to auto start and that was a smaller size file I would).

If you get a look at the movies let me know what you think.

More adventures with Mr. Scuba!


WHITEBALL Links to Dive Related sites on the Web

© 1996 mr/scuba@oocities.com Ę
This page was handwritten no HTML generators were used!
Last updated on March 8, 1998

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