

Real Name : Robert

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About me.

My hobbies include many interests, with my favorite being my motorcycle. I also enjoy mountain climbing whenever possible, photography, scuba diving, astronomy, and have a keen interest in martial arts. I am a 44 yr. old gentleman, with the enthusiasm of a kid at heart. There are many interests that I have, and reading books has always given me great joy, as well as to keep me informed about things in the world. I work as a fiber optics technician at SCHOTT FIBER OPTICS. I have been doing this for 12 yrs. now, and I find this job to be not only challenging, but fun, and very rewarding. Be sure to see the Schott main home site also. Schott-Group which is in Mainz, Germany.
While I was in the US NAVY, I was stationed on the island of GUAM, in the middle of the Pacific ocean. During my stay there, I had learned to scuba dive. This was so wonderful to do, as there are so many beautiful things to see down under the surface of the ocean. The sights I had seen are beyond comparison to what you'd see on the television. Try this sometime, if you can. It's FUN! If you like astronomy, check out my links. You're sure to be pleased.

Co-Liason of TheTropics.
Editor of The Tropics Shoreline Newsletter
TheTropics 5700-5999

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