
Real Name : Dean

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About me.

My first time on the net was in January 97 and by April, I was ready to try building a page. I decided not to go with the easy way -- so I pretended I could use HTML and went for the Advanced Editor. I have learned the hard way and am still learning every day.

I have many hobbies -- I collect baseball cards, logo golf balls, Barbie dolls, video tapes, and computer games. I love raising orchids and playing role-playing games. I watch lots of movies and like all kinds of music.

I have 5 sons, 9 grandchildren and 1 wife that has stuck it out with me for 44 years. I work part-time so I can eat. I lived in Missouri most of my life but after an bleeding ulcer almost got me, I moved to Florida and have been here 4 years now. I am fond of all things tropical and love the beach and the ocean.

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