How do I put a Counter on my page?
To place a counter on one or more of your pages.. you must place the following code on your page/s..
<img src="/cgi-bin/counter">
For more than 1 page, use the following code..
On the first page.. <img src="/cgi-bin/counter/1">
On the second page.. <img src="/cgi-bin/counter/2">
and so on for more pages if you like.
That's all there is to it!
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How do I put a Guest book on my page?
You will need to go to the Guest book area.. (You may be prompted to log into the members area using your ID and password, if your not already logged in).. Then follow the instructions on the page carefully..
Near the bottom of the page you will see a pale yellow box containing the code to enter into your web page.. **DO NOT ALTER THIS CODE!!** Click on the "Pop up my code" button to open up a new window with this code in it..(this will allow you to go back into your File Manager to enter the code into your web page).. then click on the "Save my Guest book" button. (This saves the appropriate files to your directory).
Now go into your File Manager.. choose the page you want to add the Guest book to and enter the code anywhere you like in your web page.
There.. Now you have a Geocities Guest book :)
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How do I put a Picture/Image on my page?
To place an image on your page, you must first upload your image/s into your directory... (See Uploading files below if you don't know how to do this).
The two most common image types, are files with the extensions.. *.gif* or *.jpg*..
Simply enter your File Manager.. (You may be prompted to log into the members area using your ID and password, if your not already logged in).. then open the page you want to place the image on.. and enter the following basic code/s..
For files with the *.gif* extension use.. <img src="imagename.gif">
For files with the *.jpg* extension use.. <img src="imagename.jpg">
Note.. change the *imagename* in the above examples with the name of your files.
Choose *Preview* to see if the image shows up in your page.. if not recheck it to make sure you entered the code correctly.. when your happy with it.. choose *Save*..
Then your done.. the image should now show up on your page!
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How do I put Sounds and Music on my page?
To place an Sounds and/or Music on your page, you must first upload your files into your directory... (See Uploading files below if you don't know how to do this).
The two most common sound and music types, are files with the extensions.. *.wav*.. these are called wavs or *.mid*.. these are for midi's..
Simply enter your File Manager.. (You may be prompted to log into the members area using your ID and password, if your not already logged in).. then open the page you want to place the Sound or music on.. and enter the following basic code below the <body> tag of your page..
The below is for files with the *.mid* extension..
<BGSOUND SRC="filename.mid"><EMBED SRC="filename.mid" autostart=true WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15></EMBED>
The below is for files with the *.wav* extension..
<BGSOUND SRC="filename.wav"><EMBED SRC="filename.wav" autostart=true WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15></EMBED>
Note.. change the *Filename* in the above examples with the name of your files.
The above code will work for users of both Netscape and for Microsoft Internet Explorer Browsers.
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How do I Promote my site?
Geocities has set up a page that gives you a few ideas about how to promote your site..
You can use the Search Engines
Or.. you can try another Ten ways to promote your site
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How do I Upload Files to my directory?
The easiest way to Upload Files to your directory, is to use the *EZ Upload* tool in your File Manager.
Go to your File Manager.. (You may be prompted to log into the members area using your ID and password, if your not already logged in).. Then scroll down below your directory of files until you see the name *EZ Upload*.
Select the *Browse* button.. You use this tool as you would when opening or saving files in Windows.. Find your file on your Hard Drive.. then click on *OK/Open*.. you should see the entire path in the box to the left of the browse button..
Repeat the above steps for any other files (if any) you wish to upload using the other browse buttons.. then select the *Upload Files* button. This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your files.. and when your done.. you should see your directory page reload with the names of the files you just uploaded being confirmed in a little box just above your file listing
Then your done!!
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I've lost my Password, can you send it to me?
No.. Community Leaders DO NOT have access to retrieve Homesteader passwords. For this reason.. there has been a Lost Password Utility set up for you to retrieve it yourself. Simply fill in the information it asks of you.. and an email will be sent to the address you originally signed up for your Geocities site with ..
If all else fails.. you can contact our Liaison for more information.
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