TheTropics Community Leaders Ring

The Leaders offer a little help to their friends.




Community Leaders' Ring

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Welcome to TheTropics Community Leaders Ring Home Page. This ring is for TheTropics Community Leaders only.

The purpose of this ring is to give GeoCities homesteaders and Community Leaders a convenient way to navigate through the various Community Leader pages in a convenient manner.

To be added to the ring, fill out the form below. You'll be sent email confirming your site's addition to the Queue and your own id#. Before you can be added to the ring, you'll need to include the GeoLeaders HTML fragment to your page. The HTML code is listed below..

You will also need to save yourself a copy of both ringback.gif and ringforw.gif which must be uploaded to your own directory in Geocities.

Once you have added the HTML fragment to your page, email someone already in the ring and they'll check your HTML fragment to make sure your site ID is correct and then add you to the ring.

Submit site to TheTropics Community Leaders Ring

Owner's Name:

Site Title:

Site URL:



Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)


Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.


Enter a short description of your site.

To Edit your Ring Site you will need your Site ID and Pass.

In order to maintain ring integrity, make sure: The HTML fragment appears on the site That the owner of the site is a GeoCities Community Leader Correct any typographical errors in the URL and/or email address before adding the site

Adding the HTML fragment to your page: You'll need to copy the HTML fragment below, and then edit it before you place it on your page. Fill in your email address and name in the spaces provided, then fill in your site id number in the six blanks that follow "&id=" -- just fill in the blanks and put it on your page, upload the updated page and you're done :)

Community Leaders' Ring
site is owned by
_ _ _ _ .

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