Awards the Hotel California has won

Writing a set of web pages is a wonderfully rewarding experience mostly because you get to meet some really wonderful people. I hope your visit has been enjoyable, hopefully you felt relaxed being here and maybe saw something new.

I want to thank the nice people that have honored me with their awards. Giving an award can often require a good bit of time. They have some great pages so please click on the award graphic and take a look at their pages, I'm sure you will enjoy them!

Geocities A-List award

Official Venice Beach Bum
The Beach Bum Award
Venice Beach, California
Awarded April 3, 1998
Thank you Beach bums!!!

The Orchid Award for Page Excellence
The Orchid Award for Page Excellence
Awarded November 16, 1997
Thank you Linda!

Passion for ParrotsAward
Passion for Parrots Award
Awarded October 5, 1997.
Thank you Laurie

Cheetah's Page Award!"
Awarded April 20, 1997.
Thank you Cheetah

What's new
Spanish Missions
Murals of Los Angeles

California Wilderness
Yosemite National Park
Ansel Adams
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Please visit my other sites
A Place in the Sun
Voyage to Atlantis

Background by Jennifer Spengler

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