Barbolink's World

Barbolink's World ASL
Handy & Fun
Email Barbolink

 Just for Fun Stuff 
Ask Dr. Universe - for kids of all ages
AWAD - a word a day & a quote, too
Blue Mountain Arts - great internet greeting cards
Crosswords on the Net - all printable
eBay - buy and sell stuff
Farmer's Almanac - the real thing
DejaNews - newsgroups on the web
Explore Science - you need shockwave for this site  
HotMail - free web-based email
<<cool>> How Far Is It? - distance, latitude & longitude <<cool>>
<<cool>> How Stuff Works - really cool (pictures, too) <<cool>>
How Things Work - answers to questions (yours, too)
ICQ - internet tool to contact people in realtime
IllusionsWorks - neat stuff to look at
Interactive Magic - try it, it's fun
Kids Explain Science - cute stuff here - 2torials on many subjects
LookSmart - a good place to start surfing
MapQuest! - maps and directions
Museum of Science and Industry - very cool site from England
Positive Press - possitive news & more
Project Gutenberg - ftp the text of many books
<<cool>> Puzzability - a variety of changing puzzles <<cool>>
The Quotations Page - quote of the day, more
School Excuses - funny parental notes
Science-a-Go-Go - daily science news
Simeon's World of Magic - fun!
Skywatching Center - for novices
Virtual Florist - send free internet flowers
Weather - anywhere
The Why Files - science behind the news
Women's Health - NYTimes
World Wide Words - exploring English words

Handy Stuff 
25 Most Useful Sites - ZDnet's list
   <<cool>> ABC News - a really neat site <<cool>>
AllAboutHome - all kinds of tips
AskERIC - a teacher's paradise!
Awesome Library - for educators & kids
CNN Interactive - you can customize it
CNN - audio news (via RealAudio or Netshow)
Consumer Reports Online - some stuff is free
Funk & Wagnalls - FREE online encyclopedia
Dictionaries - look up words online
Digital Education Network - resource for students & teachers
FOX News - audio news (via RealAudio)
InfoBeat - news & info by email
Internet Public Library - online references - the Women's Network
LibrarySpot - online references
<<cool>> MSNBC News -  very neat <<cool>>
My Virtual Reference Desk - a little bit of everything!
My Yahoo! - neat, personalized news
<<cool>> Police Notebook - pass this one on! <<cool>>
Newsbot - find anything in the news
News Index - searches many newspapers
OnHealth! - full of health news
Reuters News Summary - updated hourly 
Spark Notes - great study guides for all sorts of subjects
Switchboard - find people or businesses
The Washington Post - National News

Barbolink's World ASL
Handy & Fun
Email Barbolink