Lester's CyberPage of Manila and the Philippines

Manila, Philippines

"Mabuhay" is a Filipino verb in the form of a command: "Live!"
It is also a wish: "May you live!"
Whosoever says it wishes upon you the great gift of a long
and full life. It is both a blessing and a lusty cheer.
"Mabuhay" (ma-boo-high) is such a large word that it
lends itself to a wide number of secondary uses: welcome,
congratulations, thanks, godspeed, hello, good luck,
cheers, prosit, sante, viva, kambei, aloha and many other
expressions of goodwill. All these are a part of life;
but it is the gift of life that makes it possible.
"Mabuhay", in other words, is an invocation and
a celebration of life itself.

Photo courtesy of Mabuhay - The Inflight Magazine of Philippine Airlines.Click this image to enter

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This page is designed and written by Lester June Cabrera
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Page was last updated on June 13, 1997.

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