7.Remembering that rainbows follow rain.
(Which I'll never forget as long as I have you.) 8.Always sharing.
(Friends, families, dreams, desires. Weaving together the fabric of our lives.)
10. And always caring.
("Always is a long, long time. But "Always" is how I want our relationship to be... with us loving one another, as happy and as giving and as thankful as any two people could be.)

SWEET HAPPY COUPLES! A Swedish gentleman and his sweet Thai bride, "WAN". They first met and knew each other in Nov 98 at Sweet Singles Thailand. They just got officially married both in Sweden and Thailand with a grand wedding party at Marriott Royal Garden River Side Hotel, Thailand on March 30, 99.

The lady has a Bachelor's degree in Accounting and has worked for the HEADQUARTERS of BANGKOK COMMERCIAL BANK (BBC) in Thailand for 6 years. Before joining our club, she was worried very much that she would be deceived by foreign men. Now she knows that this is not true and her foreign husband, a member of our plan C, was so wonderful, generous, loving, caring, kind, gentle, good humored and genuinely seeking a Thai lifetime partner in his life. He won her heart. She is now starting a new happy life. The best of times that she ever dreamed in her life before. They got along very well and fell in love with each other very quickly. This lady has relocated to SWEDEN. They will travel together for a honeymoon to Spain, Protugase, Australia and Newzealand. CONGRATULATIONS!***" We are happy to see your happiness."***
"Sweet Singles Thailand"