DIVE NAMIBIA! - Basically this page will tell you about my diving experiences here in Namibia.

Altitude Dive, anyone?

How it started

Scuba dving was first introduced to me by some Jim Franks and Ms. Yumi Yamada . Yumi had her fun dives long before she met us. They had their Open Water Diving Course at Ocean Deep- La Union. After succecssfully completing the course, they encouraged me and Ma-ann Arquiza (my QA Engineer at NEC) to undergo the same training. I completed the course and had my license (PADI)in August 1996 (Thanks to Dave Aukshun!). Since then, I never had any fun dives due to my hectic schedule, and due to the fact that some Jim Franks & Yumi finished their contracts with NEC.

After almost 2 years, our paths crossed again when I joined their Quality Assurance Consultancy Firm here in Namibia and they are not only regular divers but CMAS registered 3 star Instructors & Examiners! In due time, I'll cross over from PADI to CMAS, since Dr. Franks owns a Diving School in Windhoek.

Namibia Diving Experiences

After 2 weeks of my arrival here, I was able to do 3 decompression dives at Otjikoto Lake- which is 76 m deep. My first dive was 26 m deep, next was 31 m deep and lastly 37m deep.

If you would like to experience diving at Otjikoto lake, permission must be gotten from Mr. Theo Schoemann, President of Windhoek Diving Club.

PICTURE(S) Unfortunately, I only have one picture of my recent dive. I will post some more ASAP.

Yumi & Mergs at Otjikoto Lake - April 1998

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