An e-mail sent to my friends telling about this event in Brazil ...
 Hi !...


We are living by now, in Brazil, a very interesting events, that we call "June Party"...
I will tell you how it is."There are typical dances being performed and people use to dress in traditional dresses. .It is a very traditional one here in my country commemorated in the Saint days of "St Johan"( 24th jun), St Anthony( 13thJun) and St Peter(29thJun) , by schools, churches and even most Brazilian families, mainly in the rural ones.



 The reason of its name is to happen during the month of June. It's usual to make a bone fire where all the participants gather in turn of it, and happily use to burn a lot of artifice fires and dancing folkloric songs called "quadrilhas". There's also the presentation of a wedding in the backwoods ( roça) in where everybody dances the "quadrillhas:" such as the priest, the sheriff the mayor and so on. All is feast and happiness.

       I am inserting here some photos of this party to you. You will see a man jumping the bonfire . It's usual also to be offered a great variety of home sweets made of pumpkin, cocoa, peanuts and a lot of other things just as popcorn, piñon seed, hopper of a grinding mill, etc.As the time is going on there are defiance "desafios" a kind of a rural melody sung by two yokels provoking one another using sarcastic but witty words. It's really an event that deserves to be seen at least once in the life very difficult for a foreigner to understand. 

I hope you could have an idea how this party is .

    The wallpaper I used here show you the traditional ornament of this party: coloured little flags...The sound I put here is "Carinhoso""( Tender) from our genious musician: Pixinguinha.I downloaded it from "Midi Brasil"some months ago...


from your Brazilian friend:


Below you can see some photos I took last Saturday in my Condominium: "Quintas do Morumbi" when was taken a beautiful June Party...

    Fotos tiradas por Ida Montez em junho/99-Festa Junina do Condomínio Quintas do Morumbi

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