Click for Tampa, Florida 
Forecast Click here for your weather & time,also, enter zip! Dorothys Valley of Oz
Rainbow & bird Folks,the American Bar Association has a web site under their auspices called,"" that you should visit before shopping on-line. I want to say "Thank you" to anyone who has chosen to support small fry by shopping home pages instead of from mass shops set up by big business! A sincere Thank you. 3D zero 3D letter Z Hi,Hi~!~I'm Dorothy! Glad you're here~Welcome

Cowardly Lion

CLICK Here To Attend VirtuaL Party! (Unless it's Over!) It's at oz5.html

Attractive house with trail to door I became a Geo-Cities land-owner as of 4/18/99 & moved in today, 5/14/99. I HOPE you all visit often. I plan to constantly renovate & to add pages,too!~UPDATE~I've gotten into GENEALOGY & Almost abandoned my GEOcities pages so a lot has been removed or changed here
Look for glimpses of the "Wicked Witch" She hides! (She's disguised as a Queen)

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Queen of 

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VirtuaL & Real StUff! Go sEE ToTo'S MaGiC! AT oz3.html

GeoTropics Webring (See bottom of this page to join!) Also at bottom this pg is"Search This Site"

Post a Message in My Guestbook!Post Here!!

Search Geocities from oz6.html.Follow the Yellow Brick Road! S E A R C H

Here is my Toy Poodle "Lucky Ginger Baby"~~~ "Parla Vou Francaise?"
a dog's picture

My web pal created an entire town for his web page & invited me & others to move our selves there & he now has over 80 residents!& a great Art Gallery! <----------Riverton Banner------->

<------end banner code--------------> 3D zero Sign My Guestbook,Please & Por Favor!

Please visit oz11.html & Help NCMEC 2 BRING A LOST CHILD HOME! teddyWas a toy bear here a minute ago,wonder if he's been abducted?

~Another Oz Page~Wendy's Oz

3DView GB,OK?

USJERSEY CITY~~The home of Some Really GREAT TEACHERS & 5 OUTSTANDING Ones :MISS Dashfield & MRS.Cole-Felder, & "MISS ADA"of Headstart,and Mrs.Robek of P.S.6! AND MRS.Lawrence OF P.S.14 Also Some FANTASTIC SCHOOLS!! P.S.6--P.S.14--P.S.30. LET'S Not FORGET a GREAT,Great HEADSTART at UNITED REFORMED on Ocean Ave in Greenville area.
GeoTropics Ring

This GeoTropics Ringsite
is owned by Dorothy_Abdelhamid .

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Visit Charity Frogs!

6/2/00 ATTENTION! This is not a commercial page! It attempted to be but thanks to search engine ranking systems that has been abandoned!!
UPDATE 5/8/2000
With the exception of AMAZON.COM all commercial ventures have been removed from this site & META tags revised.This page is now a place where eventually I will voice opinions on various subjects & invite guest's comments on message boards in favor of, or "polite" objections to those opinions.