Who's Where

Browse through the names of the ex-Uplanders and see whom you recognise and who recognises you! The names have been listed in alphabetical order under the surname (lastname) of the alumni member.

If you haven't yet registered, we would be pleased if you did. Information submitted via the Alumni Registration Page will be posted onto the site within 48 hours. If you have already posted and would like to add or update information, please submit the changes at Registration Update .

Links to other Alumni Members Pages.
Alumni Members - ABC
Alumni Members - DEF
Alumni Members - GHI
Alumni Members - JKL
Alumni Members - MNO
Alumni Members - PQR
Alumni Members - STU
Alumni Members - VWXYZ

Staff Section

Mr. Thean - I.T. teacher is still at Uplands would like his email address added so that former students can get in contact. He can be emailed at tbkeng@pc.jaring.my
There will be a page launched soon for Uplands staff, previous and current. We hope to get email or mailing addresses for as many of our teachers as possible.

Links to other pages within this site.

Main Page
Letter from The Principal
Alumni Registration Page
Registration Update
Uplands Staff
Alumni News

Links to other sites on the Web

The Upland School Homepage

1998, Society of Ex-Uplanders Home Page, All Rights Reserved