Welcome To My Travels

Australia is a wonderful place to visit, as big as Canada and just as beautiful.  Highlights of my trip were two of the most famous places, Ayers Rock where people have died attempting to climb its steep sides, and The Great Barrier Reef, which I'm told can be easily seen from outer space.  Another thrill was riding a camel, a very bumpy ride.

I enjoyed the flight to Perth, part of it from the cockpit, where first officer Ross pointed out some interesting sights below. 

My choice for most mysterious place to see is Stonehenge, in England, erected as early as 2800 b.c.  No one really knows its significance but human remains have been found inside some of the stones

Thailand is a country of contrasts.  We watched as dancers in colorful costumes performed.  Even the elephant got into the act.


The palaces and temples are encrusted with gold leaf and precious jewels.  This is the Grand Palace in Bangkok.

 The ancient city of Ayuthia was destroyed by invaders from Burma, and only ruins remain. It was interesting to wander through, and even the stray dogs seem to like it. 

A river cruise is a pleasant way to spend a relaxing afternoon looking at the exotic buildings on shore. 

I had the pleasure of visiting Southern India where riches abound, side by side with poverty.  But the people are unfailingly kind and helpful.  A sign I saw perhaps depicts the attitude of the people.  As my bus crept through the flooded streets of a small city, past ox-carts and bicycles, and people plodding knee deep in water, a large billboard proclaimed:
"Life is too wonderful to waste time worrying"

These children at The Immaculate Conception Mission were a cheerful colorful group.

At Ana Podum the people bathe and do their laundry.

Elaborately carved figures adorn temples throughout the land. 

We took a boat ride on the backwaters on our way to Alleppi.


Near Mahabatipuram is the large 6th or 7th century bas relief, Ajuna's Penance.  It was discovered and dug out of the sand about one hundred years ago. 

I enjoyed my tour of Scandinavia, but admit that Norway was my favorite country.The scenery is breathtaking.

I had a facinating visit to some of the more famous canyons in the United States.

Zion National Park is an amazing assortment of colors.



Bryce Canyon has formations that look like pink fairy tale castles..


Imperial Point at the Grand Canyon is 8803 feet above sea level.

      I really enjoyed the view.


For contrast I also went to Death Valley where one spot was 178 feet below sea level..  

My favorite country in all the world has to be Canada.After all, it is my home.

These are the Plains of Abraham,a historic National Park,
in  beautiful old Quebec City,in the province of Quebec



     The leaves along the country roads in Quebec were just turning color,a sight to behold.. 


          Some people we met along the way..back row my sister Dorothy and me..front row Peggy,Anne,and my sister Ruth.Taken in our nation's capitol ,Ottawa. 


    Here is Peggy's Cove in Nova Scotia,with the historic Post Office in the lighthouse..   

Farther west we come across the beautiful mountains.This is taken near Jasper Alberta.

        I spent a peaceful week on Galiano Island in British Columbia.With a view like this,one can't help but be happy....

    Cultus Lake in British Columbia is a great place to spend a week or two camping and sailing,or just going for the day to have a swim..



(Poems) (Webrings and awards)(My Holiday in Newfoundland)(My Odds and Ends)

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