
Comic Chat Characters

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If you use Microsoft Comic Chat 2.5, here are a few characters that are hard to find. If you don't use Comic Chat, what the heck are you doing here?

All of the characters listed below are zips, so you will need winzip. If, by some chance you don't have WinZip, what the heck are you waiting for? Just click here for a free evaluation version. If you have a problem with any of them please feel free to e-mail me and I will try to fix them.

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dark_bullet2 My Character

dark_bullet2 BuzzBunny2

dark_bullet2 LolaBunny4

dark_bullet2 Final Fantasy 7 composite

dark_bullet2 Fifi LaFume

dark_bullet2 Honey

dark_bullet2 JZZZM3

dark_bullet2 Pepe LePew

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