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Aloha from Hawaii. Hawaii is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It is the 50th state in the USA. The eight main islands are Oahu, Hawaii, Maui, Kauai, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe, and Niihau. Honolulu is the capital. It is located on the island of Oahu.

This English class ended in 1999. If were an ABE 1 English student at McKinley from 1981 to 1999 you may visit the class reunion website. Please enjoy the English lessons, a tour of Hawaii, newspapers, computers, and links to student homepages below. There are also links to our friends and information about Hawaii below. Please visit our writing lab if you want to see some of our work and the other things we did from 1997-1999.

Special Class Message

Thank you for visiting our classroom. We hope that everyone who visited our classroom enjoyed it very much. Please visit the new English Class.

Our Favorite Places

Adult English Class Photo Album
Free Computer Lessons
Free English and Culture Lessons
More English Lessons
Our Special Friends
Students' Homepages
Teacher's Lounge
Visit Our Writing Lab
The English Bookstore
Language Etc. Website
New English Class in Hawaii

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

About Hawaii

Books About Hawaii
Hawaii Information and Resources
Hawaii Shopping
Hawaiian Music
More Hawaii Shopping
Tour of Hawaii

The Ins and Outs of Prepositions

The Ins and Outs of Prepositions

The New Oxford Picture Dictionary

The New Oxford Picture Dictionary
English Bookstore


CNN News
Newspapers Around The World

Cool Links

Hawaii World Peace Connections
Health Connections

This Hawaiian Ring site owned by A. Mitchell.

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A. Mitchell (teacher)


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