
The Youth Fellowship web site has moved to a new location:

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Web browser:Internet Explorer (version 3.0 and above)
Netscape (version 3.0 and above)
Screen resolution:800x600 or higher
Screen colors:16-bit colors or better
Sound card:A wavetable sound card, which may be purchased from Creative, Turtle Beach, Yamaha, etc.

If you have a wavetable sound card:
Click here to set up your computer for the best quality music playback.
If you don't have a wavetable sound card:
Download and install one of the following software wavetable synthesizers:
1. Yamaha S-YXG50
2. Yamaha S-YG20
MIDI plugin (optional):Download Crescendo to hear the music (in MIDI format).

A Brief Fellowship:

We are a bunch of young Christians who love the Lord and present our bodies as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1) to carry out what is on His heart. Do you know what makes God happy? According to Ephesians, deep within God's heart lies something that He would like to do that would make Him happy (Ephesians 1:5, 9-10). To satisfy such a desire, God made an eternal purpose and determined in His will to accomplish it. Do you know that all things, including us were created because of His will? That's revealed in Revelation 4:11. In order to accomplish His eternal purpose, God made a plan which is called His economy (an anglicised form of the Greek word oikonomia, cf. Ephesians 1:10, 1 Timothy 1:4). In God's economy, which is opposed to different teachings (1 Timothy 1:4), God is saving us to the uttermost (Hebrews 7:25; Romans 5:10) and building us up to be the organic Body of Christ in this age and to consummate in the glorious entity called the New Jerusalem for eternity (cf. Revelation). Then all things will be headed up in Christ from their previous state of collapse (Ephesians 1:10). This is the central revelation of the entire Bible and is consistently and progressively unveiled to us from Genesis to Revelation.

The Bible is our only standard. We are not afraid to preach the pure Word of the Bible even if men oppose; but if it is not the Word of the Bible, we could never agree even if anyone approves of it.

We enjoy eManna everyday. We find it to be the best daily devotional which supplies us with life with its insightful and living elucidation based on the central revelation in the Word of God.

Though we uphold no one but Christ, who deserves the first place in all things (Colossians 1:18), we are indebted to the ministry of the late Witness Lee and Watchman Nee which brought us into the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ. Their wonderful books are published by Living Stream Ministry.

Feel free to contact us to have a sweet and thoughtful fellowship based on the pure Word of God.