`Ôlelo No`eau O Ka I`a
Source: Pukui, Mary Kawena and Elbert, Samuel, HAWAIIAN DICTIONARY, UH Press, 1986.
A la`a kô kû i ke a`u.
So, you got stabbed by a swordfish.
You got into trouble.
`Olo `olo aku nô i hope,
kû i ke a`u.
Lagging behind, struck by a swordfish.
Mai pi`ikoi i ka `ama`ama.
Don’t strive for the `ama`ama.
Be satisfied with what you have, why look for a rich person.
He moi ka i`a, ehu ka lani.
A threadfish the fish, misty the sky
.Said of an easy victory.
`Ôpelu ana.
A satisfied mackerel scad
One that has escaped after eating the bait.
Huki i ka ulua!
Pull in the ulua!
Bring in your man!
`A`ole nô wau i mahu`i mue,
e lilo ana `oe i ulu na`u.
(from a song)
I never thought before that you’d be my sweetheart.
Ua loa`a akula ka i`a `o ka `û`û.
The soldiers have (just) been caught.
One has cause to sigh or grieve, a play on `û, to sigh
The Hawaiian Language: Ka `Ôlelo Hawai`i
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