Described as a "Plethora of Hawaiian Culture Links," the wait for this page to load is WORTHWHILE.
Use this time to master the Hawaiian value of Ho`omanawanui -- Patience.
Or, use the lumi ho`opaupilikia (bathroom). When you return, pau (done)! And there it is:

*Plethora = fancy English word for "Lots and lots"; "Hô da planny!" in pidgin; Nunui! in Hawaiian.

 The Hawaiian Home Page 2
A Comprehensive Listing of
Hawaiian Culture Links &
Hawaiian Language Mini-Lessons

E ola mau ka `ôlelo Hawai`i!
The Hawaiian language shall live!

>> Return to The Hawaiian Home Page 1
Sister sites: hawaiian language | hwn language lessons | leilani's lânai | nâ `ânela kelekî | pronunciation guide | the aloha spirit | EMERGENCY dog links | the hula pages | hawaiian cultural calendar | hawaiian music lyrics/chords |

 Quick-Jump Menu:

Hawaiian Language Mini-Lessons Menu:

 Quick-Jump Menu:

Contests - Offers
>>Forecasts -Weather
>>Flora & Fauna
Food & Recipes
>>Hawaiian Books
Hawaiian Culture
>>Hawaiian History
Hawaiian Issues
Hawaiian Language
>>Hawaiian Legends

 >>> Hawaiian Words
>>> Hawaiian Words of Wisdom
>>> Hawaiian Holidays
>>> Hawaiian Stories
>>> Hawaiian Values
>>> Hawaiian Songs
>>> Hawaiian History
>>> Hawaiian Humor

>>Hawaiian Music
>>Humor - Jokes
>>Island Hopping
>>Video Cameras



Ke Aloha
Aloha Spirit Law
>>Aloha Spirit
>>A Reminiscence
>>The Scroll
>>Aloha & Mahalo
>Aloha with audio files
>Aloha & Sites New
>Aloha Worldwide
>Driving w/Aloha New
>Live Aloha!
>Pakî-Qn. Lili`u
>Qn Lili`u on Aloha
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Nâ Kalenekalio
Hwn Cultural Clndr New
>HI - Related Calendars New
Calabash Page
>Concert Calendar
>Hwn Book of Days
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Nâ Ho`okûkû
Aloha Airlines
>Aloha Joe's Trivia
Coffees of HI
E Hula Mau
>Hawaiian Air
>Kama`âina Koupons New
>Oceanic Cable
>This Week
>Trop Bouquet
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Ka Mo`omeheu
>>A Adventure New
>Arts & Crafts
>Quilting-Quilts New
>Being Hawaiian
>Bishop Museum
>Code of Conduct
>Hawai`i's People
>Good Insides
>HI Overview
>Hwn Entrepreneur New
Hwn Storyteller
>Hwn Values New
>`Iolani Palace
>Ke Kumulipo
>Kûpuna - Customs
>Maui Nui
>Nâ Mamo the book
>St F Cltrl Arts
>Taro Patch-Srch HI
>Tûtû Speaks
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Ka Na`auao
>`Aha Pûnana Leo New
>Brain Drain-ExPats
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>Info Exchange
>Kamehameha Schs
>>Alumni-Nâ Pua
>State: DOE
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>UH - Info
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>>M-Hwn Language
>>Hilo-H Studies
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Ka Kaiapuni
Weather-NW Srvc
Lâna`i City
>Volcano Updt-Park
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Flora & Fauna
Nâ Mea Kanu &
Nâ Holoholona

>`Ahahui Mâlama
>Birds-`I`iwi -Koa`e Kea -Nênê
>Hawai`i Releaf
>Hwn Perspectives
>Marine Lf-Wildlife
>>Dolphin-M Seal
>>Turtle-Ka Honu
>>Native Gardens
>Taro Patch-Taro
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Food & Recipes
Nâ Mea `Ai &
Nâ Lula no ke
AJ-A. Maebelle
>Crackseed Ctr
>Electric Kitchen
>Kailua Crafters
>Local Kine
>Maui CC
>`Ono Recipes
>Pics I - II
>PlateLnch: HI-S.CA
>Sam Choy
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Ke Aupuni
City&Cnty: Hon
>HI RefShelf
>'Net Resources
>>H Home Lands
>OHA-Data Book
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Hawaiian Books

Hawaiian History
Ka Mo`olelo Hawai`i
>H Kâne Art
> Last Hwn Queen
>Time Travel
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Hawaiian Issues
Nâ Mea Nui Hawai`i
Bishop Est-Nâ Pua
>Hui Mâlama
>KeAlaHoku New
>Land Use Concepts New
>Rights: Gathering
>Rights: Water
>>Free Hawai`i New
>>HI Nation
>>L: HN-ac
>Spiritual Unity
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Hawaiian Language
Ka `Ôlelo Hawai`i
>Hawaiian Books
>>`Ôlelo No`eau
>`Ahahui `Ôlelo
>`Aha Pûnana Leo
>>Mâmaka Kaiao
>Did You Know?
>Info Exchange
>Learning Materials New
>Nâ Kai `Ewalu
>Online Videos New
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Hawaiian Legends
Nâ Mo`olelo Hawai`i
L: Legends
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Hawaiian Words
Nâ Hua`Ôlelo Hawai`I

"Since the Hawaiian language is a fundamental pillar of our identity, we shall make every effort to learn, use, teach and support the sustaining of our Hawaiian language."
~ Hawaiian Code of Conduct

Garland, wreath; necklace of flowers, leaves, shells, feathers, ivory, or paper, given as a symbol of affection.
Figuratively, a
beloved child, wife, husband, sweetheart, younger sibling or child, so called because a beloved child was carried on the shoulders, with the legs draped down both sides of the bearer as a lei.

Kâna lei
His/Her lei
(to give away or sell)

Kona lei

His/Her lei
(to wear)

Learn more Hawaiian words:
>> Sweet Leilani: the song New

>>>I Luna - Top
>>>I Luna Loa- Very Top

Words of Wisdom

Nâ `Ôlelo No`eau
[NAH OH' leh loh noh eh (y)au']

"We shall extend and display respect to all others which reflects our own appreciation of humanity. We shall carry our pride quietly, neither boasting of ourselves nor speaking badly of others - often a dishonest method of self-praise. Yet we must be unashamed of our principles and honest in our criticisms."
~ Hawaiian Code of Conduct

E lei kau,
e lei ho`oilo i ke aloha.

Love is worn like a wreath through
the summers and the winters.
Love is everlasting.

`A`ohe lokomaika`i i nele i ke pâna`i.
No kind deed has ever lacked its reward.
Hawaiians are known for their generosity, hospitality and warm sharing.
This giving nature is grounded in the
principle of reciprocity,
When given, the Hawaiian will give back in equal measure or more,
be it a gift or a smile.

E lei no au i kô aloha.
I will wear your love as a wreath.
I will cherish your love as a beautiful ornament.

More Hawaiian Words of Wisdom:
>> No Ka Lani - Heaven Sent New

>>>I Luna - Top
>>>I Luna Loa- Very Top


Hawaiian Holiday
Ka Lâ Nui

"Our children are the most treasured investments of the values and traditions of our culture. We must make every effort to cultivate in our children the pride in being Hawaiian and provide every possible opportunity for them to learn of the values and traditions of our people."
~ Hawaiian Code of Conduct
>> May Day

"...May Day is Lei Day in Hawai`i
Garlands of flowers
All of the colors in the rainbow
Maidens with blossoms in their hair
Flowers that mean we shoud be happy,
Throwing aside a load of care,
Oh, May Day is Lei Day in Hawai`i
Lei Day is happy day out there."
~ Red Hawke, 1928

>>>I Luna - Top
>>>I Luna Loa- Very Top

Hawaiian Story
Ka Mo`olelo Hawai`i

"We shall try to avoid conflict and cooperate with those who do not understand us and whom we do not understand; yet, we shall speak our truth openly and stand firm in our own beliefs and right to assert our Hawaiian identity."
~ Hawaiian Code of Conduct

>> Ko`olau & Pi`ilani: a Leper & His Wife
>> A Modern Hawaiian Love Story New

>>>I Luna - Top
>>>I Luna Loa- Very Top


Hawaiian Values
Nâ Waiwai Hawai`I

"We shall practice Aloha, the heritage from our ancestors, mindful of the virtues of akahai, lôkahi, `olu`olu, ha`aha`a, and ahonui."
~ Hawaiian Code of Conduct

If you learn just two words in Hawaiian, learn these.
They are two of the most important words in the Hawaiian language, representing paramount Hawaiian values.

>> Aloha & Mahalo

After you've learned those two values, work on these:
akahai, lôkahi, `olu`olu,
ha`aha`a, ahonui."

>> A Daughter's Reminiscence New
>> A-L-O-H-A

>>>I Luna - Top
>>>I Luna Loa- Very Top

Hawaiian Song
Ka Mele Hawai`I

"We shall continually strive for spiritual development and adopt an attitude of tolerance and understanding to those who conceive of spirituality in a way different from our own."
~ Hawaiian Code of Conduct

One of the most beloved songs written by The Reverend Lorenzo Lyons, 1807-1886, also known as Makua Laiana.
>> Hawai`i Aloha

A local classic, it is sung together as a closing song at Hawaiian gatherings with the holding of hands with those adjacent,
swaying with the music, and holding hands up high at the end.

>> A Voice of an Angel New

>>>I Luna - Top
>>>I Luna Loa- Very Top


Hawaiian Site
Ka Wahi Hawai`I

"We shall engage in hard work, realizing that laziness breeds unhappiness and weak minds."
~ Hawaiian Code of Conduct

"You're tired and rumpled.

You've just unpeeled yourself
from the grossly inadequate space of a modern airplane seat after spending
at least five hours breathing the stale, recycled air that the industry tries hard to convince you is
You trudge up the jet way
and then --"

>>The Lei: A Hawaiian Tradition
Gift of the Islands

>>A Kalapana Reminiscence New

>>>I Luna - Top
>>>I Luna Loa- Very Top


Hawaiian History
Ka Mo`olelo Hawai`I

" We shall be patient, enduring the pains of injustice but never surrendering to or joining such injustice.
~ Hawaiian Code of Conduct

>> Hawai`i's Last Queen

>>>I Luna - Top
>>>I Luna Loa- Very Top


Hawaiian Humor
Ka Ho`omâke`aka

"We shall respect and engage in humor, the helper to love and affection, the positive expression of humanity. "
~ Hawaiian Code of Conduct

>> You Know You From Hawai`i If...

>>>I Luna - Top
>>>I Luna Loa- Very Top


Return to The Hawaiian Home Page 1

New = "new additions to this webpage"


Hawaiian Music
Ka Puolo Hawai`i
>Awards: Nâ Hôkû
>>Winners-Bkgrd New
>>Keola D.'s
>Choral Music
>Concert Calendar
>Essay: Do It Right
>E: Poi-fect Sound
>Guitar: Slack Key
> Guitar, Steel:
>Hall of Fame
>Hwn Music 101 New
>Hwn Music Island
>History: Retro
>Industry Directory
>IZ- IZ New
Panther - Stevo
>Lyrics/Chords: Huapala - Travis - Links
>Maui Music Scene
>Midi: Kalani-Monty
>Music Medicine
>News: Keola-SusanJ
>Reviews: Berger-John Book
>Royal Hwn Band
>Sights & Sounds
>Stevo's Hwn Music Guide
>`Ukulele: BU
World Sound
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Ka Hula
Hula Pages-Links
>Supplies-Hula Source
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Humor - Jokes
Ka Ho`omâke`aka
>Keola's Phrases
>Riddles-Nâ Nane
>Uncle Moki
>VA: Haw'n Words
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Ka Lele Mokupuni
Hwn Air-Aloha Air
>Healthy Flying
>Responsible Tourism
>Virtual Field Trips
>>>More Links
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Nâ Puke Heluhelu
Aloha from HI
Coffee Times
>Island Scene
Ka`û Landing
>Maui Time
>Pac Bus News
This Week
>Write Now!
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Nâ Palapala`âina

-Hawai`i (BI)
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Kêlâ me Kêia
All Things Haw'n
Alu Like
>Camping Waipi`o
>Chicken Skin
Christmas in HI
>>Santa's HI Home
>Hanabuddah Days
>Hilo Hattie
>Info Links
>IsleStyle: ISPs
>Speed Traps
>Web Site Design:
Poi Pounder Prod.

>Work in HI
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Nâ Inoa
> Hawaiian Names
> Inoa
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Nâ Huinû-Nâ Papa
sch FAQ
>Links: IsleStyle
>Kanaka Maoli
Allies Email List

Send email with:
your name)

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Nâ Nûpepa
>Hon Star-Bulletin
>BI: Kona-Hilo
>CocoNET Wrless
>H Language-NP
>Hon Weekly
>Maui News
UH: Kû Lama
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Nâ Hui
Mainland HI Hui
>.e-HI: HI Clubs
>N.CA: SF Bay Area
>>Polynesia, P!
>S. CA - LV
`Ainahau o K
>>Nâ Mamo
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Nâ Pepa Po`oleka
PacificExprssns New

Radio - TV
Ka Lekiô-Ke Kîwî
Radio&TV Guide
>Stevo's Guide
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Nâ Kumu Waiwai
Hawaiian Books
`Ahahui `Ôlelo HI
>Bishop Msm Press
>LATimesLaunchPt New
>Pacific Gold New
>School Reports
>UH Press
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Nâ Mea Pa`ani
Hon Star-Blltn Sports
>Boating: Na`au New
HH Gallery New
O`ahu-Diamd Hd
>Marine & Ocean
>Surfing: Links-His
>>Prayer, Chant
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Video Cams
Nâ Wikiô Pahupa`iki`i
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Ka Mana o Ka Hâ
The Power of Four

Four was a sacred number in the Hawai`i of Old.

4 ones = kauna
10 X kauna =
ka`au = 40
10 X ka`au =
lau = 400
10 X lau =
mano = 4,000
10 Xmano =
kini = 40,000
10 X kini =
lehu = 400.000
10 X lehu =
poina = 4,000,000
10 X poina =

 E ola mau ka `ôlelo Hawai`i!
Let the Hawaiian language live on!

E lauhoe mai nâ wa`a,
Everybody paddle the canoes together;
i ke kâ, i ka hoe, i ke kâ;
bail and paddle, paddle and bail,
pae aku i ka `âina.
And the shore is reached.

Pitch in with a will, everybody,
and the work is done quickly.

Mahalo â nui no kou kôkua pono.
Much thanks for your needed help.
E pômaika`i iâ `oe no ka pâna`i i Hawai`i.
Bless you for giving back to Hawai`i.

Click: A Difference For That One.
This site is a
not-for-profit, grass-roots effort to help ho`oulu (make flourish) the Hawaiian language and culture.

If this page nurtures your Hawaiian heart and soul…
e-mail this page to your friends and family. Share, me ke Aloha (with Aloha). E pâna`i (Reciprocate, "Give back.") Mahalo.

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May Your Life Brilliantly Shine with the Light of The Aloha Spirit!

>> We Welcome Your Mana`o (Thoughts): Guest Book - Ka Puke Ho`okipa

This Hawaiian Home is dedicated to kanaka makua -- parent persons -- who inspired its creation, dwell here in spirit, and continue to make a positive difference, one soul at a time.

A heartfelt mahalo to Bruce Lum, artist of the laua`e graphic, featured in May-Early June.

© 1999 -2000