Aunty Mary Kawena Pukui
This website,,
Foreword - Disclaimer: These pages are neither prepared by a Hawaiian language expert, nor a computer whiz, but by a devoted student of the language and a true novice on the Internet. On both counts, I confess: basically self-taught, I am an amateur with marginal webmaster skills, often bungling my way through the Internet, but wanting so much to share this beautiful language with you! The information contained here is compiled from course materials from the University of Hawai`i at Mânoa, dictionaries, books, videos, audiotapes and experience with nâ kupûna (elders). It is, by no means, official, or exhaustive, or complete, and is intended for the BEGINNING student of the language. Any language is best learned from native speakers, as well as formal, structured language classes, which at present, for those away from the Islands, are limited, few or non-existent. For many of us who are reaching, if not grasping, for our roots, these best options are simply not available. This website is just one way of introducing and sharing the language to those who are away, as well as an alternative to those in Hawai`i, who do not have the opportunity, means or time to attend formal language classes. Again, my humble acknowledgment is made to the two giants in the Hawaiian language: Mary Kawena Pukui and Samuel H. Elbert , authors of the HAWAIIAN DICTIONARY . It is their work that has served as the primary reference source for these pages.Aloha a hui hou, |
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