Describing People and Things

Source: Pukui, Mary Kawena & Elbert, Samuel H., Hawaiian Dictionary, Revised
and Enlarged Edition, University Of Hawai`i Press, Honolulu, 1986.





lô`ihi - pôkole

tall - short
as in describing a person


loloa - pôkole, poko

long - short
as in limbs, hair


nui - li`ili`i

large, big - small, little


ki`eki`e - lalo

high - low


momona - wîwî

heavy, fat - thin, skinny


kaumaha - mâmâ

heavy - light


poholo - likiliki

loose - tight


`âwiwi - lohi

fast - slow


pololei - kikiwi

straight - curved
as in body, nose


kâlole - pi`ipi`i

straight - curly
as in hair


âkea - lâ`iki

wide - narrow


mânoanoa - lahi, lahilahi

thick - thin


mâku`e - halakea

dark - light


hou - kahiko

new - old


`ôpio - kahiko

young - old


maika`i - `ino

good - bad


wela - anuanu

hot - cold


palupalu - pa`a

soft - hard


ma`alahi - pa`akikî

easy - difficult, hard


pahe`e -`ôkala

smooth - rough, as skin


maiau, miki`oi - môkaki

neat - messy


ma`ema`e - lepo

clean - dirty


hana kuli - mâlie

noisy - quiet


male `ia - male `ole

married - single


waiwai - ilihune

rich, wealthy - poor


nani, u`i - pupuka

pretty, beautiful - ugly


nohea, u`i - pupuka

handsome - ugly


pulu - malo`o

wet - dry


hemo - pa`a

open - closed


piha - hakahaka

full - empty


pipi`i - emi

expensive - cheap,


ho`onani `ia - `a`ohe ho`onani `ia

adorned (fancy) - plain (simple)


hinuhinu - hinuhinu `ole

shiny - dull


`oi - kûmûmû, `oi `ole

sharp - dull



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