Vila-real Index
Virgin Mary Hermitage and "El termet"

"La Ermita" -the hermitage-

Located two kilometres out of the city, in a small hill beside the river Mijares, "la Ermita de Nuestra Seņora de Gracia" in Spanish, or "l'ermita de la Mare de Deu de Gracia" in Valencian, is one of the main points for the cultural and spiritual live of Vila-real.

A legend from the 18th century says that a shepperd found an antique image of Virgin Mary in a small cavern aside the river bed. This tradition is referred in several places, even in the small square in front of the hermitage chapel, whith an image of that shepperd "el Pastoret" -by local sculptor Jose Ortells-.

The history of this sanctuary is even much richer and interesting. Since the end of 14th century, there are notes that refer to the existence of hermits in this area. One of them, named Bernat Fabra, was given a permission by the City Council to build a cell in that place. Some years after, in 1383, a penitencial procession initiated the popular tradition that made become this place a centre for cult and devotion to Virgin Mary.

The works to build the present Hermitage started in 16th century. The original church has suffered several modifications and enhancements, although keeping the initial plant design. The last works in 1986 brought back to the building its original behaviour after a long period of degradation, empowering its public and cultural usage.

The chapel

A stone wallfront with a medium-point arch allows the entrance to the hermitage's main chapel. This is a rectangle nave, covered with a crossing-type vault. Since 1633 the image of Virgin Mary is venerated in the main altar. This image was originally a wooden baroque altarpiece, made by Ochando brothers from Almazora. The present altarpiece was made by Pedro Gil and shows images of Saint James, Saint Pascual and Saint Elizabeth. The presbitery is ornamented with flying angels, carrying badges referring to Virgin Mary. On top of the presbitery arch, an interesting piece referring to the Anouncement, dated 1739, in baroque style, can be seen. 

"La coveta" -The cavern-

At back of the Hermitage hall, decorated with old ceramic and a peculiar stony floor dated 1776, the stairs that go down to the "cavern" oratory ca be found. This small room, related to the legend of the image, is possibly the original hermit cell that originated the sanctuary. Completely restored and open to visitors in 1986, "la coveta" keeps artistic ceramic tiles from Manises, dated 1780, and baroque paintings with exotic birds, fruits, leaves and loops. In the centre of the cavern there is a very fidel reproduction of the 14th century original image, by Llorens-Poy.

Ancilliary buildings

There is a comfortable Meeting Room, used for Courses and Congresses, with several ceramic panels dated 17th century, showing the old Saint Domingo Knights Order badges. Another multi-purpose room is located in the attached building -originally used as stable-. This is a very peculiar building, in rectangle shape, with balconies open to the Hermitage square. Another nearby building is now residence for groups of visitors and culture activity centre.

"El Termet" -the small countryside-

The area in which the river Mijares rounds the Hermitage hill has been since the Middle-Age a City Council property. Now, it has become a place for joy, covered by a dense mediterranean forest -mainly pine-trees-, so that many visitors go there in any season of the year, sometimes with religious reasons, some others for sports or culture activities, but in any case to enjoy the Nature in this beautiful countryside.
The top forest homes the Ecologic Education Centre "El Termet", depending from the City Council and the Valencia Regional Government, where thousands of students develop every year activites related to the protection of the Nature. This students are coming from the Valencian region as well as from other Spanish regions. Areas for sports including a reglamentary swimming pool are available, as well as restaurant and cafeteria. In the bottom, the "Botanic Calduch" promenade, along the river, allows a good sightseeing walk alongside the river bed thru a signalled way.


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